Are You Exercising a Lot and Hurting More?
By Sandy Schroeder
Somewhere in our daily march through adulthood we discover pain does not always automatically disappear overnight. Sometimes an intense workout, or tiring wilderness hike, may seem fine -- until the next morning. That's when we wake up with real pain that insists on hanging around.
Instead of recovering and moving on, we may feel ongoing pain that settles into the neck, back, legs, shoulders, knees or ankles. This quickly makes daily tasks a challenge and future outings less likely, until it is solved.
How Your Chiropractor Can Help
This is where your chiropractor may prove to be invaluable. Your local The Joint Chiropractic clinic offers a complete wellness base designed to help you seek pain relief that may help you jump right back into the game with your normal routines.
How It Works
When you visit, The Joint’s licensed chiropractors will use a manual adjustment technique to realign any dysfunctions in your spine. Using the gentle application of a targeted motion to achieve improved alignment and motion of the body’s spinal column and extremities, the goal will be to seek pain relief without pain medications or surgery.
Then the chiropractor will want to talk with you about the pain you are having, your normal exercise and work routines, and medical history.
As the picture becomes clearer, focusing on the new exercise pain issue, your chiropractor may suggest a two-part plan to help you ease immediate pain with rest, cold or heat packs, and a future schedule of regular treatments and moderate activity.
As your body recovers, you and the chiropractor may want to set up weekly 15-minute sessions that keep your spine aligned and your exercising monitored. You may find yourself reviewing your exercise routines, making sure you get at least 30 minutes a day instead of just heavy weekend bursts. Or you may test some new stretching and core exercises to go with your current walking, running or jogging routines.
Fine Tuning Wellness
As you get involved with your chiropractic sessions, you may find the wellness options work for your whole family, or helps with other problems such as ergonomics in the workplace, or posture problems arising from the use of various screens throughout the day.
However the process develops, you may happily discover your exercise pain has lessened and you are now back out there maintaining your daily routines.
If this sounds like a wellness backup that you could use, stop by The Joint Chiropractic and find out more. The Joint offers the largest private care program, eliminating the hassle of insurance, flexible extended hours, and walk-in visits.