Restless Leg Syndrome Relief Through Chiropractic Care
Have you ever been unable to control the movement of your legs or other limbs? Or experienced annoying twitches in your legs when all you want to do is relax? Have you ever been kept awake at night because you just can’t stop rubbing your feet together? If so, you may be have a condition called restless leg syndrome. Have no fear, your chiropractor is here to help you regain control of your body in a natural, non-invasive way.
What is restless leg syndrome?
In short, restless leg syndrome, RLS, can be defined as the constant and unexplainable urge to move your legs. It is categorized as both a nervous system disorder and a sleep disorder as the constant movements can cause sleep disruptions. WebMD explains further, “people with restless leg syndrome have uncomfortable sensations in their legs (and sometimes arms or other parts of the body) and an irresistible urge to move their legs to relieve the sensations. The condition causes an uncomfortable, "itchy," "pins and needles," or "creepy crawly" feeling in the legs. The sensations are usually worse at rest, especially when lying or sitting.”
What is the cause of restless leg syndrome?
Generally speaking, there is no direct cause. However, doctors have noted that it is common in middle aged adults under high stress. Those with Parkinson’s Disease, an iron deficiency, or chronic diseases may experience restless leg syndrome as well as pregnant women or persons taking certain prescription medication. 10% of the world has restless leg syndrome and nearly half of those with RLS also have a family member with the same condition.
How is restless leg syndrome treated?
Unfortunately, there is no cure for restless leg syndrome. In many cases, doctors prescribe addictive muscle relaxers that have limiting side effects and have even been known to worsen RLS .
What should I do if I have restless leg syndrome but don’t want to take medication?
Don’t worry, you’re in luck! Your local chiropractor is here to save the day with innovative, natural, non-invasive techniques such as massage, adjustments, controlled exercise and lifestyle changes.
How can a chiropractor help?
As stated before, RLS is a disorder of the nervous system function. That being said, a commonly overlooked cause of the problem may be due to a spinal or nerve condition. Therefore, seeking a chiropractor’s help is pertinent. Chiropractors aim to improve overall nervous system function and fix spinal and bodily misalignments in order to create a better functioning body. If your skeletal system is placing unnecessary pressure on your legs or joints, rls may be a result.
If you think you may have restless leg syndrome, visit The Joint today. No appointment necessary and only $19 for your first exam!
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