Why Sitting Too Much Can Jeopardize Your Health
By Stepy Kamei
It's always a satisfying feeling to come home, kick off your shoes, and sit down on the couch to relax after a long day at work. Sure, you were probably sitting down in front of a computer at work as well, but that's not relaxing. Still, if you think about it, there's a good chance you spend a good amount of time each day sitting. While there's nothing inherently wrong with occasionally sitting down, scientists are realizing that as our society becomes increasingly more sedentary, our health seems to suffer as a result.
When Too Much Sitting Is a Bad Thing
What exactly is the problem with sitting? It mostly has to do with the fact that we, as a society, tend to sit for long periods of time for most of the day, every day. If you start to think about just how much you sit, it begins to make sense. From eating your meals, to sitting down for your commute both ways, to sitting in an office at work, and finally sitting at home on the couch to relax before heading to sleep -- we sit a lot. Still, you might think to yourself that since sitting is relaxing and helps you de-stress after a long day, it can't be that detrimental to your health.
Unfortunately, sitting can be seen as a symptom of another larger health problem affecting many Americans: not getting enough exercise and physical activity into your daily routine. Sitting only serves to keep the body from being active, which is really what encourages health and wellness. It shouldn't come as a surprise that a largely sedentary lifestyle can lead to a wide range of ailments, from aches and pains to increased risk of developing such diseases as obesity, heart disease, and dementia.
Stay Active
Staying active is a key way to reduce the chance of these health issues from developing. This doesn't necessarily mean you need to be running marathons all the time. In addition to starting up a regular exercise routine three days a week, try to start making choices to walk or bicycle instead of drive. Or, take the stairs instead of the escalator. These little choices can have a big impact in the long run.
Chiropractic Can Help
Seeing a doctor of chiropractic on a regular basis is another great choice you can make to improve your overall health. Sitting too much can lead to restrictions within the spinal column. These restrictions, which are also known as misalignments, can block the functions of the central nervous system, and lead to aches and pains and other ailments throughout the body. A chiropractor will be able to use manual manipulation techniques to gently rid the spine of any restrictions, so you can get back to a healthier you.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Pasadena, Tex.