How To Feel Unbelievably Light: Care Less
By Sandy Schroeder
The term “baggage†is familiar to most of us and it can represent a lot of history that can be pretty heavy to lug around if we insist on toting it all. So the simple advice, that can be terribly hard to do, is to care less.
Lifehack tackled this subject and singled out some of the things that many of us care too much about. Here are things to care less about.
What Others Think
A former classmate of mine summed this up as he got to know me and said, “You care too much what others think.â€
He was right, and since then I sometimes have succeeded in remembering that advice and cut my own path in spite of what others might think. When I succeed, I know I am living my life for me, not for others.
Adding Up Past Mistakes
If you get in a habit of adding up mistakes, you can spend many sleepless nights just stacking one on top of another. Stop now: if you must count something, count all of the successes you have had. History can’t be changed, but it can become heavier with time if you insist on letting it.
Focusing on Failure
A friend of mine always defines failure as the failure to try. That says a lot about her life and her successes. She never stops pitching and never lets past failures cloud her future.
Dwelling on What You Are Missing
No one can ace everything. We all wind up missing some targets. But focusing on the misses can make for one bad day after another. Give yourself credit for all of your hits and then think about how you made them work.
Wondering What’s Next?
It’s OK to look into the future, but if you insist on focusing on the negative, you have reduced your chances of enjoying what you are doing right now.
Really learning to care less can feel unbelievably light. Gone are the old regrets, failures, what ifs and what’s next. Instead, you might be focusing on the moment and making it just as good as you possibly can. That’s what we should all care about.
Setting Up Goals for Future Happiness
That can be a great temptation as we work along day after day. Promising yourself you will be happy when a certain goal is achieved means you are always in limbo, and probably ignoring a whole lot of good things that are happening right now. Hurrying through family events to get more work done, or always trying to fit in a few more activities may seem workable at the time, but somewhere down the line it may mean a lot less. I have worked with people who climbed successfully up the work ladder and looked around to find their family had either left or simply no longer cared.
However you see yourself on the caring issue, it never hurts to take a second look and make sure your family and your loved ones are in the picture you are enjoying at the moment.
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