Easy Ways to Help Us Feel Better About Ourselves
By Sandy Schroeder
In a turbulent world, most of us could use a little boost to feel better about ourselves. Psychologists encourage us to go for the positive and help the whole family feel better. So how do we do that? Mayo Clinic suggests we treat our selves better and stay positive.
Balance Criticism With Praise
Most of us scold ourselves when we make a mistake at work or at home, and we need to correct our kids whenever needed. Keeping all of those criticisms balanced between negative and positive can make a big difference in self-esteem.
For yourself whenever you are criticizing your actions you might try thinking of times when you did everything well. When you were challenged, you came through. That helps to put everything into a positive light, giving you the confidence to keep going.
Share Life's Successes and Defeats
Find times to talk about everything. After a while both parents and kids may look forward to those daily habits of sharing the ups and downs. At the same time, they can serve as a heads up on the things that may need some help in your child's life
For a child, you can make sure you don't criticize them in front of others and you balance your remarks with some other comments on good things that they have done.
Also, try to provide a quiet time each day to just sit and talk to your children. Often you can find out how they really feel and you can learn more about what provoked the criticism in the first place. Quiet times in the evening and relaxed times on the weekend can help your kids feel better about themselves.
Try using shared comments during dinner about what went well and what did not. Both parents and kids can unload a little and feel closer and better about themselves. Shut down the electronics and just take your time to make daily dinners a healthy habit.
If daily dinners are hard to arrange, try for a special quiet time later in the evening to talk, read and have a healthy snack. Also make a Saturday morning brunches or Sunday evening suppers happen.
As we seek to build self-esteem, we can remind ourselves and teach our kids that everybody has good and bad days.. That's just part of life.
For yourself, take a few moments early in the morning or late in the evening to keep score. Jot down all of the things you did right that day and list the ones you want to improve. When you are honest with yourself, you will learn more about your strengths and
For your kids, try for a family meeting each week and hand out prizes for making beds, walking the dog, or washing the car. Also buy ice cream for good work at school and special achievements on sports.
Keep praise honest and direct and mix in a little humor when you admit to your own screw ups. Sometimes we forget to praise ourselves and our family. Every time we do, self esteem gets a boost.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Pearland, Tex.