Make Every Minute Count
By Tom Herrin
Maintaining any kind of schedule can pose a challenge to anyone. As they attempt to fit all of the things on their list, balancing it can be overwhelming. Many times, it may be a matter of what is good and important. While daily activities have their place, getting some kind of regular exercise may have a major impact on each individual. Without it, their health may decline rapidly, especially as they age. On the other hand, it is possible to do more than is needed in an effort to cover the bases. Many exercises may be successfully made shorter and save time while still producing good results.
Doing Just Enough May Be Fine
Even though they may feel the need to go all out, sometimes people may be able to cut some time from their workouts and not cut the effects. For those who run, it may seem only right to run for longer periods in order to get the greatest gain. Information from the Journal of the American College of Cardiology indicates that people who run for seven minutes per day regularly may be able to reduce their risk of death from heart disease by as much as 45 percent. These are pretty good results for such a short time, but quality is what often counts.
A Smile May Say a Lot About Health
People who smile tend to be well received by others. Who doesn't enjoy seeing someone smile? According to a Japanese study, people who rode a stationary bike 10 minutes per day were happier. Not only that, but they performed well on various tests that require good reaction time. It seems that people who are happier may also experience fewer health problems. Some feel that this may be due to the fact that they have less stress. Whatever the case is, it seems to go well with those who may choose to exercise as they may have a brighter outlook on anything they undertake.
Time Can Be on Our Side
Since we are the ones who set our personal schedules, we have the opportunity to make it be however we prefer. If we will plan to include activity in the right way, we may still be able to include many of the other things we feel should be there. I have found that as I have given more thought to just how I can arrange my time, I can make it work. I can also keep my exercise program brief and still gain benefits.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Red Oak, Tex.