Is an Aging Back Really a Problem?
By Tom Herrin
Getting older is one of those things that everyone hopes to do. It is not that they want to be broken down, but most of them want to be around for a while. With that comes a few other issues. The old saying that “I feel fine, but if I had felt this way 30 years ago, I would have thought something was wrong” may be a little bit of reality. As people age, the body begins to wear in a few places that experience considerable overuse. The back is one part that may take a beating. If age hits you with back pain, a trip to a chiropractor may make you feel young again.
At Issue
As people age, they suffer from a variety of problems. General wear and tear can do a pretty good number on body parts. The spine has a big job of supporting the body. Everyday use can strain the muscles that support the spine. When this happens, the joints can suffer from a joint dysfunction in which pressure is applied to a nerve. This can result in pain. Once it begins, it may disrupt the entire daily routine. Pain can overwhelm a person and interfere with any chance of comfort.
Chiropractors Can Play a Big Role
An adjustment by a chiropractor is a gentle way of manipulating the spine so that an injured joint is restored to its optimal position. This can relieve pressure off of the nerve that is causing discomfort. Once the pain is relieved, the person may have a faster return to normal activities. A chiropractor may suggest exercises that can help to strengthen the muscles that support the spine. Since this is all done without the use of pain medications, there is no risk of side effects or addiction.
Regular Chiropractic Care Can Enhance Lifestyle
When people experience the relief that may be provided by a chiropractor, they will likely want to continue it. At The Joint Chiropractic, they have plans that can help make this happen. No insurance is required, no appointments are necessary. They are open days and evenings, weekdays and weekends at all of their more than 400 locations nationwide. If you feel like age has gotten the best of your back, drop in at The Joint Chiropractic today and take a sip from the fountain of youth.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in San Antonio, Tex.