Sensory-processing Disorders Treated with Chiropractic
About five percent of grade school children are diagnosed with sensory processing disorders. This means that they have trouble understanding, detecting or communicating with sensory stimuli. Sometimes these conditions can affect autism, ADD and ADHD.
There are many different theories on why there are more people diagnosed with sensory processing disorders now than ever before. Some say this rise is attributed to chemicals in products, GMO foods, vaccinations and lack of breast milk during infancy. There is also speculation that trauma during birth can damage the upper cervical spine of the baby, which is considered the most delicate part of the child’s body. This type of trauma can affect the neurological system, which is called subluxation.
Subluxation is known as damage to the spinal joints and nerves that effects the neurological flow in the body. In children. subluxation can cause developmental issues, including sensory processing disorders.
Chiropractic treatments are now being used to help correct these disorders. Chiropractors specially trained in infant chiropractics are able to use thermographic electromyography to find out where the trauma is on the infant and improve how the nervous system functions. These chiropractors are trained in knowing how to observe the body to find out the exact location that needs to be worked on.
In 2011, there were two studies that showed how chiropractic specifically helped children with sensory processing disorders and autism. Both patients had upper cervical subluxation that were diagnosed as having occurred due to early childhood trauma. Both underwent a series of chiropractic manipulations that eventually removed the subluxation as well as improved the neurological flow.
Case studies on children with neuro-developmental issues have shown that chiropractic treatments improve their condition. The improvement from chiropractic manipulation supports the idea that subluxation plays a part in creating these sensory processing disorders in children.
If your child is living with a sensory processing disorder, chiropractic care may be the treatment you have been looking for. It is a low-risk form of treatment that can improve your child’s condition the natural way.
Used under Creative Commons Licensing courtesy of Allen Sheffield