Using Physical Therapy to Improve Fitness
By Brandi Goodman
National Physical Therapy Month in October encourages people to try physical therapy when they're debilitated in any way. When your ailment causes poor range of motion and a weakened body, your fitness routine is most likely out the window. Use physical therapy to improve your fitness as well as your overall well-being.
Improving Mobility
Your range of motion and amount of mobility you have may be limited if you've experienced an injury or complications from illness. This may make it difficult to work out or get in any exercise time. Physical therapy will have you working out your muscles in a safe way so you can improve your mobility. Over time, you should be able to increase your range of motion so you can handle even more exercise.
Gaining Strength
Your muscles may be weak if they haven't been used in a while. If you've been laid up in bed sick or injured, it can be difficult to start getting back up to exercise. Physical therapy will allow you to regain your strength and perhaps even gain more strength than you once had. You'll be working out your muscles under supervision so the process is safe.
A Home Plan
You won't be in physical therapy forever. Most people graduate from their therapy session and get to continue at home on their own. Your physical therapist will provide you with a home plan so you can continue to gain your strength and improve your mobility to boost your fitness. Just be sure you're practicing safe habits as you exercise and follow the plan carefully.
Continuing With a Personal Trainer
Once you've finished your therapy and worked on your home plan for some time, it may be time to get back into the gym. You can continue to use what you've learned and still get some supervision if you wish by working with a personal trainer. He or she will instruct you on the best exercises for your body and your personal fitness goals. You'll gain the confidence you need to really be successful with your own fitness going forward.
Pair physical therapy with chiropractic and you'll have an even better chance to improve your range of motion, ease pain, enhance flexibility, and improve your overall fitness capabilities. The Joint Chiropractic offers walk-in hours for assessments and adjustments. The better you feel, the more you'll be able to handle.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in American Fork, Utah.