5 Methods for Making Your Memory Better
By Brandi Goodman
During Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month in June, it's important for people to take a look at how they can make their own memory better. You want to keep your mind as strong as possible if you hope to maintain your memory and prevent the effects that aging has on the mind. At least five methods will help.
Play a Memory Game
Memory games aren't just for kids. Try some memory skill games so you can boost your mind and keep your memory as sharp as possible. Play them with others or try them alone.
Learn Something New
Keep your mind sharp by learning something new. Doing the same repetitive activities will not continue to challenge your brain. Instead, you need to add something new to the mix once in a while if you hope to give your mind the workout it needs. Trying a new task, learning a language, or taking a class should always be on the bucket list.
Challenge Your Senses
Memory games that make you recall what you saw are not all you should be playing. Play games that make you challenge all of your senses. Cover your eyes while someone else feeds you food and guess what each thing is. Smell perfumes or even wines and try to determine what scents are present. Working more than one sense at once is even better.
Stay Organized
Losing your keys or forgetting important dates each requires significant use of your brain to try and remember what you're missing. Staying organized will allow you to save your mental energy for other important tasks and new things so you aren't feeling overwhelmed by the end of the day. Saving your energy for other things instead of using them on distractions will help keep your mind working longer.
Improve Your Diet
Your diet plays a major role in how your brain functions. You're more likely to experience a better memory and sane mind if you're consuming foods with lots of vitamins and antioxidants. This means fruits and vegetables are a must and processed foods and junk should be avoided whenever possible.
Keeping your memory strong and your mind healthy will prevent aging effects on the brain. Alzheimer's and other diseases that impact the mind can be prevented, or at least the onset of them prolonged, as long as you're working out your brain just as you would your body. Try these methods and see which ones work for you to get your mind in top shape.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Cottonwood Heights, Utah.