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Is Italian Food on Your Menu Often?

By Tom Herrin

People place quite a bit of emphasis on cultural foods.  Even if they are not really tied to the place of supposed origin.  When most think of Italian foods, they usually think of something that has a good portion of tomato sauce as a main ingredient.  Pizza, spaghetti, and a fair share of other foods come to mind when tomato sauce and Italian foods are mentioned.  Some people just can't get enough.  If they have to choose, they could do much worse.  Tomatoes have a lot to offer to health.  Consuming them, or products made from them, on a regular basis can be an easy way to supplement a good diet.

They May Protect Against Gallstones

A large number of people have problems with gallstones.  Since they are associated with the liver, removing toxins from the body are critical in preventing their formation.  Tomatoes have antioxidants that can help guard the body against formation of these painful things.  Adding a few tomatoes to the diet on a regular basis is a small price to pay for this protection.

They May Help the Heart

Tomatoes contain lycopene.  It is known to prevent serum lipidation which has to do with increased levels of LDL and triglycerides.  They contribute to increased deposits of fat on the walls of the blood vessels.  This means that tomato consumption may help the walls of the blood vessels to maintain greater flexibility so that as pressure increases inside the vessels, they can expand to maintain pressure at  normal level.  Everyone is familiar with the damage that can be done to the heart and circulatory system by high levels of LDL and triglycerides.

They Add Flavor

We all eat tomatoes, or something made from them, quite frequently.  We have them raw in salads, on hamburgers or sandwiches.  We also have them in most kinds of spaghetti and other pasta dishes.  They are used in soups, meatloaf, chili, beans, pizza and rice.  Most of us have eaten ketchup on fries, hot dogs, or fish.  They are also pretty popular today in the form of salsa on just about anything.  Some people eat them all of the time, others only do so occasionally.  Adding them to your menu on a more regular basis may be a way of improving our health in a small way.

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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