A Friendly Pet May Support Good Health
By Tom Herrin
There are lots of us today who need to do something to protect or improve our health. It is a prime concern, as it should be. We can ill afford to let it deteriorate. There are plenty of good programs available that may be able to help. The challenge is often finding the one that fits us in the right way. For some, committing to an exercise program is difficult. There is nothing wrong with finding the best alternative to fit your given situation. For some of us, a pet can make a significant difference in our overall health. They may provide more than meets the eye.
A Chemical Connection
When we have a pet, it is believed that interacting with that pet may influence the way our bodies produce or release some chemicals. One of those, cortisol, is a major contributor to stress. While it may serve some good purposes in protection, it can also increase our stress levels. It seems that having a pet may help to reduce the cortisol that is released in the body. On the other hand, oxytocin is a hormone that makes us feel good. Having a pet is thought to increase the amount of this we have.
A Little Bit of Exercise Is Better than None
When you have a pet, you will likely need to spend some time taking them for some kind of exercise. They tend to be naturally motivated. As you walk with them, you will get a little exercise yourself. This may turn into something that you enjoy as well. Many times, you find that you appreciate the outdoors more than you realized, and you may almost see it from the eyes of a pet.
Even Loners Need Company
Whether you are alone by choice or by circumstance, it can be tough to deal with. While I feel that I could go for quite a while without anyone around, I realize that company is good. Having a pet gives us something to be responsible for. It also gives us someone to greet us when we come home as they may eagerly await us. Talking to a pet has the advantage that they never argue back. It is a pretty good situation that can be managed in just about any way we choose, but having that pet may save us a lot of problems.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in West Valley City, Utah.