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Are Your Kids Healthy? These Tips Can Certainly Help

By Genevieve Cunningham

Kids are a lot of work. They're needy and demanding and energetic. It takes a lot to keep up with them, and it takes even more to keep our patience with them. But one of the biggest and most important challenges as parents is not behavior or too much energy or social development -- it's basic health. Keeping your kids healthy is both challenging and extremely important. So what can we do? If you're ready to send your kids on the road to better health, take a look at these tips that can definitely help.

Focus on Quality Sleep

Quality sleep is essential for good health. And chances are pretty good that your kids aren't getting it. So how can we encourage better sleep? Set a bedtime and technology limits. Get your kids outdoors for physical activity. Make a plan that takes them from poor sleep now to better sleep in a month's time. Be slow, methodical, and improve their sleep on purpose. As their sleep improves, so will their health -- and their moods too!

Limit Technology Use

Kids are bombarded with technology. While that's not all bad, too much technology is not good for overall health. As the adult, you have to set the limits. Maybe you can ban technology from the kitchen and the bedroom. Maybe they only get so many hours or minutes per day. The hardest part is that you'll have to do it too, but the benefits for your kids will be worth your own sacrifice. 

Monitor Their Friends

Kids are going to make so many friends as they age. You have to remember that kids are heavily influenced by their peers. You have to monitor their friendships and gently nudge them in the right direction. If their friends are unhealthy -- they vape and play video games all day (not that video games are inherently unhealthy) -- your kids are more likely to do those things too. But if their friends are active and healthy, your kids will follow suit. It's not easy to monitor the friendships of your children, but it will be worth it for everyone's health and well-being.

Yes, it can definitely be a challenge to keep your kids healthy. But isn't that the ultimate goal? Isn't their health the most important thing? Of course it is! Use these tips to help set your kids and your family on the right path, and enjoy the better health that comes along.

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Alexandria, Va.

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