Foods That Are Easy to Digest
By Sara Butler
Healthy digestion is important. But many people suffer from problems with their digestive system, including gas, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. Some people may experience problems because they have a food intolerance or some other chronic illness that impacts the digestive system such as Crohn’s disease or irritable bowel syndrome. Remember, your health and wellness are influenced by the choices you make and sometimes the situation calls for eating foods that are easy for your body to digest. Here are a few foods you may want to consider in those times.
What It Means
When talking about meals that are easy to digest, foods that are digested fast by the digestive system is what is being talked about. Foods that have a lot of fiber or fat take time to move through your digestive system and be fully absorbed. Foods that move through the system slowly often lead to problems with gas and bloating.
Foods that are considered easy to digest don’t cause the nasty side effects of slowly-digested foods. In general, they’re usually made of simple carbs with very little fiber or few carbohydrates. So, they’re not foods you want to fill your diet with, but if you’re going to exercise or you have issues with digestion, then they may just be the ticket.
Rice, especially white rice, has been processed and stripped of most of its fiber. That makes it a food that is mostly made up of carbohydrates that are very easily absorbed and digested by your body. Brown rice is considered to be healthier than white because it contains parts of the grain white rice is lacking, such as the germ and bran.
Since there’s no fiber to slow down the digestion of white rice, it gets broken down very fast. If you’re recovering from a bout of illness or you need to take it easy on your digestive system for a bit, then white rice is your friend.
Lean Meat
Lean meats such as turkey and chicken are easy on your digestive system. They’re high-quality protein, too, so they’re actually really healthy and filled with macronutrients your body needs. Just make sure to remove the skin of the meat, since that’s where the fat is located and that will make it more difficult for your body to digest.
Ripe Bananas
Ripe bananas are mostly carbs. The riper a banana, the higher the sugar content and the easier it is to digest. When you’re looking for an easy to digest food, those brown bananas on the counter will get the job done!
Be kind to your digestive system when it needs it and eat foods that are easy to digest!
To learn more about your health and wellness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Fairfax, Va.