How to Find Time for Personal Health and Well-Being
By Genevieve Cunningham
Health is important. You can't really argue that statement, right? Health is probably the most important thing that we have. When it suffers, life suffers. But finding time for your own personal health is hard. We can often find the time for others -- spouses and parents and children. But for ourselves? We put ourselves on the back burner. If this sounds all too familiar, it's time to make some changes. To make progress in your health and life, take a look at these tips for finding the time for your own health and well-being starting today.
You May Have to Adjust Your Waking Hours
If you don't have time to take care of yourself, you may have to get strict about your wake-up and bedtimes. Get up a few minutes earlier in the morning so that you can exercise. Of course, this may require you to go to bed at an earlier hour. Or if you'd rather, you can adjust your bedtime to fit in some personal time at night. It doesn't matter how you adjust your schedule -- as long as it works for you. Get strict, do what's necessary, and make the time to care for your own well-being.
You May Have to Schedule It
For some people, it's not enough to adjust their waking hours. They have to make self-care a clear priority by putting it on their schedule. If this is you, write it down in your calendar. Schedule 30 minutes after work to exercise, get a massage, or do whatever you need to do for your own wellness. You have to make it a priority before you'll see results, and if putting it on your schedule like a meeting is the only way to make that happen, then do it.
You May Have to Cut Back
Sometimes we can't take care of ourselves because we're too busy with a million other things. And if this is the case, it might be necessary to cut back on your activities and obligations. Do you really have to be so busy? Or are you just passing the time? Pick and choose the things that you really want to do, and let the rest go. As you create more time in your day, you'll have more space for your own personal health and well-being.
If you don't take care of yourself, no one else is going to do it. You have to make the time and effort to do it yourself! Use these tips to create space for your own care, and watch your mental and physical health blossom right before your eyes.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Glen Allen, Va.