A Lifetime of Activity Supports Better Health
By Tom Herrin
Doing all that we can to assure good health is a very reasonable goal. It requires commitment as well as determination. For many, such activities are motivating. For some others, there may be a greater need for something that raises their interest levels. Working out is enough for some, but others thrive on competition. It helps them to feel a sense of accomplishment as they work. Many others need something more as a motivator. This is where participation in lifetime sports can fill a big void. This is the reason they are included in many schools' physical education guidelines.
What Are You Wanting to Achieve?
It is important to know just what you want to do with your activity. For some, it may be merely competition, while others may see a real need for physical improvement. Many people suggest that each of us should strive to spend about 30 minutes per day doing moderate exercise. Doing so five times per week is the ideal pace. This allows for a bit of a break. The other thing that has to be considered is overall physical condition. If you have some ongoing injuries, you don't want to do anything to aggravate them. Slowly testing vulnerable parts can help avoid more serious problems.
Are You Social or a Loner?
It really does make a difference as to whether you prefer one-on-one activities or large social gatherings. Some people are much more into groups and friends. For them, doing something in a group may add to the incentive to be active. They may look forward to the interactions in a group setting. Team sports may be their thing. Others may enjoy the relative quiet of activities they do alone or with one other person. They usually find those things more fulfilling. Whichever is the case, there is something out there that can fill the bill.
The List of Activities Is Almost Endless
Lifetime sports may take on all kinds of appearances. There are activities such as walking or jogging clubs. There are exercise classes that focus on particular types of exercise. Golf and tennis are popular for many. If you want to spend more time with a spouse or significant other, there is dancing. You may be surprised at just how much exercise you can get dancing. As for teams, there are leagues for softball, basketball, soccer, and a few others. You will surely be able to find your niche. The main thing is to simply do something regularly.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Midlothian, Va.