Do You Try to Trim Carbs?
By Tom Herrin
For those who are finding new interest in developing a diet that can help them to make some big changes, managing their intake of carbohydrates is something that has been getting a lot of attention recently. Everyone should be aware of what the major nutrients are and what they do for the body. Reducing the carbs in the diet may be a good way for some to lose weight or manage it. The key is to understand just what to cut and what may happen if they go overboard. The right amount of carbs may be great while the wrong amount may be harmful to health.
When Carbs Are Bad
A large number of people today have problems with their blood sugar. They should be especially strict about their carb intake. Too many bad carbs can wreck their health. Some recommendations are that women should limit their intake of carbs from sugar to 100 calories per day while men should limit theirs to 150. This includes some of the most widely available carbs. There are so many prepackaged foods available for purchase that are high in these carbs that many people rely on them for a quick snack. Unless they are diligent about it, it is easy to take in too much sugar.
The Good Carbs Are Really That
No matter what people say, some carbs are necessary. They provide energy. When people are short on carbs, their bodies will begin to metabolize muscle to use for energy. When this happens, they can lose muscle mass. As long as they choose the right kinds of carbs, it can be good. Choosing those from fruits, vegetables, and good grains is considered the best. A healthy diet must include the right balance of carbs, proteins, and fats. Each plays a critical role in overall health.
Invest in Knowledge
We all have a responsibility to know as much as possible about nutrition. Making the right kinds of decisions about our diet should be based on the best understanding possible about our personal needs. Trying to be in tune with our body and health is the obligation each of us has. While mine may be different from yours, we need to recognize the basics. If we undertake the task of making drastic cuts in major nutrients, we need to know what we are doing, why we are doing it, and how long to do it. If we do this, we can be in better control of our own health.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Redmond, Wash.