Improve Health By Learning a Language
By Tom Herrin
Sometimes people need to look far and wide for ways to make their health better. The typical stuff such as exercise and whatever goes with it usually come to mind first. The ability to learn is always considered to be a boost for anyone. Accepting the challenge to learn languages is something that lots of people try their best to avoid. Since there have been some times in which many have found it difficult to get out as much as they would like, why not try to make some big improvements by learning something that can broaden the mind and help the body?
A Bigger Brain
The notion of something making the brain grow is still pretty new for most people. The fact is there are several things that can help to increase the size of some of the parts of the brain. It is well known that different parts control different functions of the body. More than one study has concluded that learning another language can help to increase parts of the brain. As most would guess, this has to do with memory.
It May Lengthen Attention Span
Learning a language certainly requires attention to the subject. In today's world, there seems to be an abundance of things that take away the ability to focus on anything. Much of this may be due to the abundance of electronic devices. A university study from Spain found that those who mastered more than one language had greater control over their attention and also appeared to be more aware of their surroundings. So many people today might be thought to be oblivious to everything around them.
Take the Challenge
For sure, it may be a good challenge to begin to try to learn a language. When many of us took a foreign language in school, we may have tended to do enough to get by and forgot it every bit as fast. I took Latin for a while in high school. While I was taking it, I found that I had a fair understanding of it and related languages. Since I never ran into anyone else who spoke Latin, I soon forgot most of what I knew. I have recently determined that I would learn another language. I have been working little by little and had some success. It does seem to make me more aware. I don't know about you, but I think it is worth a try.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Redmond, Wash.