5 Chiropractic Tips for Preventing Icy Slips
By Brandi Goodman
The winter is a dangerous time for many people. Ice paves your porch, sidewalk, and the roadways, making it difficult to walk well and remain upright. However, chiropractors have some suggestions for preventing icy slips and keeping yourself out of harm's way.
Exercise is going to prevent my fall? Yes, that's the truth. People with a strong core are much more likely to keep themselves upright in the event of a slip. You need to exercise regularly if you have any hopes of maintaining your balance and preventing yourself from falling -- be it on the ice or anywhere with a slippery surface.
Wear the Appropriate Footwear
Hiking boots and snow boots are really the only appropriate footwear for the winter. Don't attempt to go outdoors in heels and flats that have no grip. You will undoubtedly fall. The right shoes will provide support and stability, while giving you the traction you need on the icy ground.
Use Ice and Snow Removal Methods
The ice won't go away on its own quickly. Instead, you should be sure to regularly engage in ice and snow removal methods throughout the winter so you can avoid build-up. Salting the driveway is one option. It can help to prevent ice from forming altogether or at least keep the amount limited. Use a shovel -- carefully, of course -- and remove as much snow and ice from the walkways as possible. Keeping things clear will help prevent dangers.
Carry a Backpack
Many people fall because they simply aren't able to watch where they're going. If you have a large package in your hands, for example, you may slip without ever seeing the ice on the ground. Carry a backpack where possible so you don't have anything in your arms blocking your vision. If you have a package you must retrieve from outside, hold it carefully and keep it out of your eyesight so you can still watch for hidden ice below your feet.
Get Chiropractic
Chiropractic care is essential to overall health and well-being. It can help reduce pain, promote an improved range of motion, and enhance your balance. If you have no joint restrictions or subluxations within your body, you'll be much more likely to remain upright when your foot slips on an icy patch. If you do slip, it's also wise to see the chiropractor so you can get assistance with the discomfort you're most likely feeling from the mishap.
The winter season is a dangerous one, but that doesn't mean you can't prepare for it. Do what you can to keep your body in the best shape and use what's available to prevent icy slips and keep yourself out of danger.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Madison, Wis.