Can Chiropractic Improve Your Sleep?
By Paul Rothbart
Few things are as important to good health as sleep. It ranks right up there with oxygen, food, and water. For most people, the other three are readily available, but for many, sleep can be elusive. It can be frustrating. Dozing off in front of the television only to go to bed and lie awake for hours. Or fall asleep and continually wake up, looking at the clock and doing quick calculations as to how many hours you will get if you can only fall asleep right now. Insomnia is a problem a huge number of people deal with occasionally, or for some, very often. There are a number of ways to improve sleep. You may not be aware of it, but chiropractic care may contribute to better sleep.
It isn't possible to sleep if you are not relaxed. Relaxation can only happen under the right conditions. A comfortable bed, a dark room, devoid of sensory stimuli, and a comfortable temperature are three of these. A messy and disorganized bedroom can make it hard to relax. Clutter causes distress and even with the lights out, you can often feel it. There's more to feng shui than you might think. In addition to favorable environmental conditions, the body and mind must also be in the right state for sleep. It's about more than just being tired.
Pain and Tension
Tension and pain in any part of the body will make sleep next to impossible. Anxiety and stress don't allow the mind to shut for the night. Tossing and turning is usually a sign of worry about things that happen while awake. You can't get comfortable with a stiff neck or back. Shoulders, elbows, knees. Any of these can ache and not be able to relax. Twitchy arms or legs will continually wake you up. After getting your bedroom in order, the next step is to deal with these physical and mental issues.
How a Chiropractor May Help
Chiropractic care on its own is not a sure cure for insomnia, but it may be able to supplement other things such as a comfortable bed, meditation, and a hot bath. A good chiropractor can get the spine in alignment and also work on joints, reducing pain and tension. Fewer headaches are also a common result of seeing a chiropractor. A properly adjusted body may be better able to relax and help to ease anxiety and mental stress.
Sleep is one of the most important of the body's needs. Don't allow insomnia to win. Take the steps needed to sleep soundly every night. Consider making chiropractic care a part of your solution. Stop by The Joint Chiropractic to see what a chiropractor may be able to do for you. Walk-in visits are always welcome.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Madison, Wis.