4 Tips to Aid in Your Fitness and Nutrition Goals
By Stephen R. Farris
While most folks can eat forever it seems, and not gain a pound of body weight, others may not seem to be as lucky. Simply put, some folks struggle with weight loss.
Fad diets may seem trendy, but that's why they're named that -- fads. If you're serious about shedding a few extra pounds, then do it the natural, healthy way by exercising more, and eating healthier. To get you started, here's a few tips that can help you in accomplishing your fitness and nutrition goals.
Set a Sleep Schedule
If you're not getting enough sleep, chances are you're sabotaging your fitness and nutrition goals, rather than helping them. It's important, just like dieting and exercise, to get plenty of sleep at night. The best advice is to set a sleep schedule. In other words, go to bed at the same time each night, and get up in the morning at the same time. Sometimes not getting enough sleep at night can't be helped, but always do your best to stick to your schedule.
Work Your Heart More
A good cardio workout not only increases your heart rate, but also helps burn calories. Swimming and jogging are great ways to get in a little cardio time, but you might try different aerobic exercises such as taking a spin class at the gym, or an intense group exercise class. Research suggests that you get put in 20-40 minutes of cardio each day, or no less than 150 minutes a week.
Write Down What You Eat
Writing down what you eat for every meal -- basically keeping a food journal -- is an effective way to keep yourself from stepping outside of your nutrition goals for weight loss. Be true to yourself and make sure you write down everything, even that piece of cake. Keeping a food journal is a great way to hold yourself accountable during times you don't feel as if you're making progress.
Get Stuffed With Fiber
Get stuffed with fiber. Not literally, but with foods that are high in fiber content. Eating more fibrous foods can make you feel fuller quicker. Some of the foods that are high in fiber content range from fresh fruits, and raw vegetables, to legumes, nuts, and seeds. Since it takes fiber a little longer to leave the body, you'll have that full feeling longer.
As with any changes with your diet and fitness routine, consult your doctor and/or chiropractor to find out if you're healthy enough to begin.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Madison, Wis.