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The Do's & Dont's of Preserving Your Joint Health

When it comes to maintaining your overall health and wellness, you may be surprised to figure out just how important your joints are when it comes to your total body wellness. This is even more true if you suffer from frequent bouts of acute back or joint pain or stiffness. If you experience chronic back pain or joint aches with no clear cause or reason, it is safe to say that poor joint health may be to blame. So what can you do to protect your joints and keep them healthy and working well?

I have to admit that I wasn't entirely sure what to do either when it came to this matter of my health, which is why I was so glad to come across an article by Care 2 that provides some great tips on how to properly take care of the joints in your body. I'm happy to share what I learned here with you.

First, let's start with some of the dont's when it comes to protecting joint health. Many of these rules apply to other aspects of your health as well, which is why they really bear repeating; besides, you might be surprised at the effect some of these bad habits and lifestyle choices can have on something as seemingly unrelated as your joints. First, since smoking can rapidly diminish bone health and strength, you will really want to make a plan to quit right away. Smoking also often increases inflammation in the body, which can cause stiffness and pain in the soft tissues surrounding the joints and ligaments of your body. You will also want to take into account certain aspects of your diet when it comes to joint health. Do your best to avoid large quantities of sugar, since sugar also can cause a lot of inflammation around your joints. When it comes to exercise, keep in mind that too much weight lifting can actually weaken the joints over time, so keep it light.

Now for the do's of joint health. Do be sure to eat a diet that is rich in anti-inflammatory foods, such as fresh veggies and citrus fruits. Foods that are high in omega 3 fatty acids, including salmon and chia seeds, are also great for preserving joint health. Exercise moderately three or four days a week in order to keep your joints from stiffening up, and feel free to ask a chiropractor for any recommendation he or she may have for you to improve joint health.

Used under Creative Commons Licensing courtesy of Simone Regis

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