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Tweet for Health: Going Online to Get Your Fitness In Line

By Sara Butler

Woman Eating Healthy Meal And Using Mobile Phone

We have a president who likes to, um, tweet. A lot. All the time. About everything. It’s “unpresidented” (his word, not mine). That 45 sure does love a good tweet.

Whether you think that’s a good or a bad thing, it is for sure a statement about how technology has changed the way we do things and the information we all share. There are many ways in which technology has hurt our health since it has been revealed just how bad all that sitting is for you. But, if you know the right way to use technology, then it can be a boon to your health and wellness. Here are just a few of the best Twitter accounts you can follow to help you raise the bar on health and might just help you in your pursuit of healthy living.

And who knows, maybe you’ll run across the president; after all, he is the healthiest president in U.S. history (his doctor’s words, not mine).

What is Twitter?

If you’ve lived under a rock for the past few years or you’re someone who is a bit behind the times, technologically speaking, then you may be wondering what the heck Twitter is. I know that for a long time, the idea of a tweet and Twitter as a whole was confusing. What is the point of limiting your self-expression to 140 characters or less? You all know I’m a lot more long-winded than that.

Twitter is a social networking service where you can post short messages called “tweets” and comment on other people’s tweets too. A tweet is basically a way to streamline information, creating a short and sweet tweet to get your point across. This makes it valuable to the very active lives of a lot of people because you don’t have to sit down and read some long article – you can just get the gist of it in fewer than 140 characters. It’s social networking’s version of CliffsNotes!

The Best Health and Wellness Twitter Accounts

Where should you start if you’re looking to expand your Twitter acumen? Here are some of our favorite Twitter accounts to get you started:

  • The Joint Chiropractic – Of course we’re going to include ourselves! We are tweeting links every day to articles about health and wellness for you. Remember, we’re not just about chiropractic, but we also provide information on nutrition, exercise, mental health, women’s health, men’s health, and tips to help you increase your health IQ!
  • Daily Burn – This is a great Twitter account to follow for information about exercise, weight loss, and other health-related topics. And it’s for normal people, not the Arnold Schwarzeneggers of the world.
  • Fit Bottomed Girls – Who doesn’t love clever names with a nod to great American musicians? This Twitter account is full of information for women about health and fitness, and lifestyle choices.
  • Jamie Oliver – I just love me some Jamie Oliver and have ever since his show “Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution.” I am by no means a perfect eater, but Jamie always has great information about ways to cook healthy for the whole family and gives you a few cooking tips along the way that will make you feel like an accomplished chef. With obesity rates on the rise, especially in children, this is a great resource for the whole family. Jamie also has another Twitter page called Food Revolution to help inspire change in how we look at food – and it’s awesome.
  • 101 Cookbooks – These recipes are so good they deserve a new adjective for good. Best of all, they’re healthy and made with seasonal, natural produce. Seriously, check this one out because the recipes will make your mouth water – it’s probably best if you have a snack before you look.
  • Steve Kamb – Who doesn’t love fitness with a little dose of nerd? This is the Twitter account of the original rebel nerd leader, and he offers some great fitness information for all you dudes out there.
  • Yoga Dork – Whether you’re a yoga noob or not, there’s something for everyone on Yoga Dork’s Twitter page. This account is full of great yoga information, inspiration, news, and guidance for all you aspiring or enlightened yogis out there.
  • Happy Family – If you’re looking for new snack ideas for your kids, from baby to older kids, then you need to take a look at this Twitter feed, which is chock full of healthy food combinations and nutritional advice.
  • Gretchen Rubin – Do you need help being a little happier? Well, Gretchen knows the keys to being happy and keeping up with good habits that will help you stay that way. You might grumble at her tweets when you’re in a bad mood but let’s face it – you need a slap of happiness sometimes.
  • Elephant Journal – If you’re looking for more information about mindful living, then don’t miss this one. It’s full of great information and tidbits to help you unlock potential greatness!

That should get you started on your Twitter journey to better health and happiness, or help you add to your already awesome Twitter lineup!

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