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Words of Wellness: The Latest Health Concepts

By Martha Michael

Health Concepts for Millenials

Young people sometimes interpret the fountain of youth to mean that younger generations are the source of most wisdom. While that could lead to endless debate, what is clear is the ingenuity that comes from new ideas, which often stem from young adults.

Right now, there are lots of new ideas when it comes to health concepts.

Cortisol-Conscious Workouts

There is a trend toward taking a more holistic view of health, which means what happens in your brain has become as important as what you do with your body. Fitness fans have become more aware of beneficial strategies in the release of hormones that occur while working out, says an article on Cortisol, which is sometimes called the “stress hormone,” is the chemical that sends your body into fight or flight mode -- and its impact on the body varies.

A punishing fitness regimen can produce too much cortisol, which can make you more prone to injury, abate your metabolism, and cause your body to store more fat. You don’t want that to happen.

Where your workouts are concerned, the new normal is brevity, so many gyms and fitness centers have shortened the length of their classes. And high-intensity, low-impact training is often limited to once or twice a week to calibrate the effect of high-octane fitness.


As smoothies and coffee have both become a permanent part of the American landscape, some consumers like their drinks to contain boosters such as MCT oil. It’s man-made, but most are created using coconut oil and palm oil, which contains medium-chain triglycerides, which are more easily digested, an article in Healthline explains.

Studies show a reduction in body weight when MCT oil is used in lieu of vegetable oils and dairy fat, which contain long-chain triglycerides that provide less energy and more fat storage. Rising triglyceride levels can lead to diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Some of the benefits when your body processes shorter-chain triglycerides include:

  • Eases dieting efforts
  • Provides fuel to the brain
  • Can reduce buildup of lactate
  • May manage diseases including epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease and autism
  • Fights growth of yeast and bacteria


Telecommuting is nothing new, considering more than half of the workforce works remotely and the numbers seem to rise annually. And the breadth of its reach keeps getting wider, including the field of health and wellness.

For everything from mental health services to monitoring patient care, consultations are taking place through video conferencing and mobile device conversations. The rise is due, in part, to startup companies seeing a future for telehealth services, says an article in Fast Company.

One startup raised $88 million for a telehealth option for smokers who want remote cessation assistance from a professional.

Some of these new companies require patients to bear more responsibility for their health. TytoCare includes a kit for in-home use in which parents can examine their children’s heart, lungs, ears, nose and throat before connecting with a doctor for consultation.

A do-it-yourself dental kit enables patients to get their teeth straightened much more efficiently and affordably. You create a mold of your teeth at home and it’s analyzed remotely by several orthodontists.

“We are -- relatively quickly -- going to stop talking about telehealth as a separate category,” says Chris Steel, PA Consulting Group’s global healthcare lead. “It’s just going to be the way it’s done.”

Because younger consumers want lower costs and greater efficiency, they embrace less traditional practices. It’s also a good idea for individuals who live in remote areas but still want access to help with mental illness or chronic physical problems.

But there’s still a stigma about the practice. Though telehealth has proven effective for certain purposes, nearly 50 percent of individuals surveyed claim they would rather visit a healthcare provider, and more than 60 percent didn’t think their health insurance would cover a remote treatment option.

There are obvious limits to the types of health problems you can address remotely. And while it’s nice for parents to avoid the hassle of taking kids out of school and driving across town for something as routine as a cold, telehealth options can’t replace the wisdom of face-to-face examinations.


Chiropractic care requires a physical examination that can only be effective with a personal visit. In addition to the benefits of consultation, manual therapies may be administered to reduce painful symptoms and assess the health of your spine.

The advantages of regular adjustments by your chiropractor may include:

  • Reducing the effects of aging via a healthier, more active lifestyle
  • Increasing range of motion
  • Boosting immune system
  • Better digestion

These treatments can’t be phoned in -- you get good, old-fashioned relief from pain and the benefits of feeling good as the years pass by. You see, some wisdom really does come from age.

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