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Forever Young: Essential Tips to Help You Age With Grace

By Genevieve Cunningham

Age with Grace

The aging process is such a drag. As the years pass, we begin to notice just how harsh the process can be on our bodies and our psyche. It's not just the fact that we're getting older and fitting all too well into a new age bracket, but it's also that aging is a literal drag. It drags down the skin around our eyes creating droopy eyelids and crow's feet. It drags out evidence of those years spent in the sun with the appearance of new freckles and age spots. It. Is. A. Drag.

For the most part, we learn how to deal with this slow and steady breakdown of our bodies. After all, we're definitely grateful for each year we get to experience life. But seriously, what if aging didn't have to be so difficult? What if we didn't have to mourn our lost youth -- or at least not quite so much? Is that even possible? We can’t stop the aging process, but it’s absolutely possible to slow it down. To go through it with a little more grace. To prevent unnecessary damage to the one body we have.

But how? The how of the equation is the most important part. It’s great to know it’s possible, but if you don’t take action, nothing is going to change. Where do we begin? We begin by making these simple, effective tips a part of our regular routine starting right now.

Get Serious About Sunscreen

According to a study reported in Medical News Today, those who used sunscreen on a daily basis were 24 percent less likely to show premature signs of aging. The sun causes serious damage. It’s the leading culprit behind wrinkles, age spots, and more serious situations such as skin cancer. The sad part is that so much of that damage is preventable with sunscreen. Apply sunscreen every single day -- mostly to the face, but also to any skin that is exposed to the sun like your ears, neck and the backs of your hands. Make this a nonnegotiable step in your routine and you’ll be taking a massive step toward protecting your skin and slowing down Father Time.

Move Like Your Life Depends On It

We usually think about the skin first in anti-aging conversations, but the aging process goes so much deeper than that. As we age, we lose our natural flexibility and mobility. Movement -- not just exercise, but normal everyday movement -- is more difficult. To slow this process, we have to move with purpose. We have to use our joints and muscles on a consistent basis, on a daily basis, on a stretch-every-hour basis at your desk job. This means keeping up with an exercise routine. It means taking the stairs sometimes. It means getting up and staying active. Move, move, and then move some more. You life does depend on it.

Hydrate Everything

We take this step for granted. Until we notice the effects of dehydration -- dry mouth, headaches, flaky skin -- we assume all is well. But it’s not. Some of the side effects of poor hydration we’ll see right away, but others will sneak up on us. Water is our lifeblood, and we need more moisture in and on our bodies all day every day. Start by getting enough water in your diet. Skip the soda and juice and energy drinks. Swap it out for plain old H20. Then take hydration one step further and start hydrating your skin with moisturizer. Apply moisturizer in the morning, at night before bed, and throughout the day if your skin feels dry. Your skin will soak up the moisture, which helps prevent wrinkles and other signs of aging. It’s too easy to leave out of your life, but this step is crucial. This goes for men too.

Take a Few Extra Steps

When you’re finally doing the basic steps on a regular basis, take it one step further and add a little extra care to your life. This should include:

  • Chiropractic care - Regular chiropractic care reduces pain, improves movement, and keeps the body healthier overall. In the anti-aging world, it might just be the holy grail.
  • Learn to cook - Junk food is going to take its toll on your body. If looking young and healthy is the goal, learn to cook nutritious food that heals and energizes the body from the inside out.
  • Get serious about sleep - The less sleep you get, the faster you’ll age. Focus on improving a nighttime ritual that promotes high quality sleep.

If you’re really lucky, you’ll get to experience aging. You’ll get to see your body earn wrinkles and suffer stiffness in the joints that come with time. Aging is such a paradox, but it’s one that, ultimately, we all want to experience. Life doesn’t have to be a drag. Apply these effective strategies to make it more bearable, and you can embrace aging and love every minute of your life.

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