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3 Common Benefits of Chiropractic That Will Make Your Life Better

By Dr. Molly Casey

3 Common Benefits of Chiropractic

People see the chiropractor for different reasons, but usually low back pain, tension between the shoulders, headaches, and sciatica. That list isn’t exclusive, but it comprises discomfort’s big-hitters. When someone receives regular chiropractic care, the symptoms and reasons for presenting frequently go away as a side effect of improving the brain-body communication pathway. However, there are so many other improvements that keep folks coming back for consistent care -- the knowledge they gain through education and the other benefits. Below are some of the most common side effects I hear patients report on when receiving regular chiropractic care.

Improved Sense of Well-Being

Do you want to know what good news is from the mouth of patients?

  • “I simply feel better.”
  • “I feel lighter and happier and I can’t explain it.”
  • “I simply feel better overall, does that make sense? And this is beyond the lack of symptoms.”

Far and away these are some of the most common statements that patients say to me after a month or so of regular chiropractic adjustments. Often they feel quite dismayed and wonder if what they are saying makes sense. They know it’s true, but they don’t fully understand why.

It puts stress on the nervous system when the spine is not moving or functioning correctly. The nervous system is the master communication system of your body. It is the path through which the brain talks with the body and the body with the brain. If interference is present but consistently corrected, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to logically infer the system as a whole will function better and ultimately feel better overall.

Increased Mobility

Chiropractic adjustments restore spinal joint motion by performing a small thrust to (or at) the area of the joint capsule. This is restoring motion at a segmental level (segment of the joint). When joint motion is restored with consistent adjustments, eventually one will notice restoration on a global level -- think of full rotation of a specific area of the spine, say the neck or low back. When regular adjustments occur, the level of motion increases and then patients begin to see their ability increase as they pursue their daily activities; this is where chiropractic care can be truly life-changing. Patients commonly tell me they can get on the ground and play with their kids or grandkids with greater ease now, or they’ll say, “I didn’t realize prior that I was restricted or exactly how hard it was to do.” Who doesn’t want mobility to increase and the ability to perform more activities with greater ease in life? It’s a quality of life issue.

Elevated Energy

When the nervous system is stressed because of interference, energy is depleted because it is working harder to perform all the regular functions. When the interference source is a result of structural lack of motion or “misalignment” (spinal subluxation), the correction of that interference (the chiropractic adjustment) has the ability to lighten stress levels on the system and, as a result, patients commonly see a rise in energy levels. So, getting regular chiropractic adjustments can help the body function properly with decreased energy usage, thereby allowing patients to feel energized.

Chiropractic care has more benefits than most realize. Everyone experiences those benefits in their own way. The three common side effects listed above are only some of the unexpected results reported. One of the great things about chiropractic is the improvement of overall quality of life. Who doesn’t want that? Go get your adjustment today.

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Offer valued at $45. Valid for new patients only. See clinic for chiropractor(s)' name and license info. Clinics managed and/or owned by franchisee or Prof. Corps. Restrictions may apply to Medicare eligible patients. Individual results may vary.