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Battling the Quick Fix: Healing Begins on the Inside, Not the Outside

By Dr. Molly Casey

External Healing

This society is full of quick fixes. We are constantly on the lookout for the magic pill to cure it all and be bigger, better, faster and more. The problem is that these approaches don’t jive with true health. In many situations, the healthiest path is not going to be the quickest or easiest. Not only are these quick-fix approaches dangerous to your health journey, they often keep you looking for an answer to health that is outside you.

But the truth is that healing occurs from the inside out.


How you engage with anything in life, whether it’s a workout, a relationship, a job, or your health and the healing process, it all begins with your mindset. What you think about or how you view what you’re engaging with is going to largely dictate how your process goes and affect the results you achieve.

Think about it, have you ever gone into a workout or family event with a poor attitude, irritated, or angry? It’s likely that your workout or family event will create more irritation or anger, and perhaps you injure yourself because you didn’t want to be there in the first place.

Now think of a time when you didn’t want to work out, didn’t want to see the family, but you talked yourself into going, let go of your feelings, and attended with an open mind. Did it go better than you expected? It’s far more likely you’ll have a decent workout or laugh a little with family and actually enjoy yourself if your head is in the right place.

Your mindset matters when you enter into processes or engagements. Take a few moments to look at your mindset related to health and healing. Are you solely results oriented? Are you always looking for the next best thing that will surely provide all the health benefits you’re looking for? Or do you realize that this is a cross-country journey and not a dash to the grocery store? Do you acknowledge that health and healing starts from within? Take stock of where you’re at; understand that as you change through stages of life, so will your mindset.


Health and healing are a journey, not a destination. The quality of your journey is first dependent on your mindset; how you approach it matters, and it’s a marathon -- not a sprint.

There are three other main factors in regards to raising the experience of people’s journey and results.

Responsibility - Your health and healing process are your responsibility. Health and healing is an inside job. Healing occurs from the inside out. Yes, external actions matter and are required. External actions only take and create sustainable change when they match a healthy and sturdy inside structure. Only you can do the inside work and then stay committed to it and follow-through with the appropriate outside actions. Take ownership of your health and healing. When you do this fully, things change for the better.

Process - Process is primary. What does that mean? Have you ever witnessed someone drop 30 pounds, participate in a significant athletic event, or even make some big health changes, only to see them six to nine months later and they have regained the weight, don’t exercise any longer, or have bad lab work? My guess is yes, all of us have. That is an example of being primarily focused on results, not process.

When someone puts the processes as primary focus, the results naturally follow. However, these are the folks who don’t go backward to the exact same spot months later because their primary focus has always been the changes in daily life and that continues to power the change. For example, when folks focus on a 30-pound weight loss and not the daily changes made in their lives, they can easily bail on the daily steps that helped them achieve their goal because the process was never the focus. The primary thing is to prioritize the process of your health and healing journey.

Strength of the host - The body is the host to your life experience. You live your entire life through your body. This is not rocket science. A primary component to remain focused on is that the stronger your body and mind, the more it directly affects the quality of your life. The stronger you are, the more you can participate and withstand. Embracing this truth brings the focus back inward instead of chasing every next thing on the outside that is supposed to be the quick fix to health and life. Your brain sends information in the form of electrical impulses down the spinal cord to every cell, system, structure, and organ in the body. The body sends information back through the nerves into the spinal cord and up to the brain. The better this communication loop functions, the stronger the body can be. Chiropractic adjustments strengthen the host by promoting optimal nervous system communication when spinal subluxations are corrected.

Health and healing occur from the inside out and it begins with mindset. It’s about the journey as individuals take responsibility and ownership in the experience. Process is primary, and strengthening the host is a requirement. Regular chiropractic care plays an integral role in that journey for those who want to make the most of their experience and quality of life.

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