Pro Tips for Working Out in the Offseason
Reviewed by: Dr. Steven Knauf, D.C.
By: Genevieve Cunningham
The offseason is a pivotal period for any sport, a crucial time for elite athletes to rest and recharge. Just like in sports, life has its own cycles of intense activity followed by necessary periods of rest and recovery. For world-class athletes, the offseason is as important as any other season. They may take time to rest, but they do so with intention and purpose. Observing their approach to this period can offer valuable insights into achieving success in life.
Why is the offseason so important?
As spectators, all we really see is the competition. We see the moment these athletes have worked so hard for—the championship, the world record, the moment of truth. We see the glory. But we rarely see the most important part—the work. And we most certainly don’t see the offseason.
You may think that the offseason is a time to forget training and relax, but that’s not the case at all. The offseason is a time for athletes to let go of the stress of competition, to forget the sport-specific training, and to really focus on themselves as a whole—mind, body, and soul.
What do elite athletes do in the offseason?
Regardless of their sport, athletes use the offseason to address specific aspects of their health and performance. While they might still engage in their sport, the offseason allows them to concentrate on areas that may be overlooked during the competitive season.
Recovery: It doesn’t matter what level of athlete you are, recovery is a crucial part of health and training. Recovery helps athletes avoid burnout and lower the risk of overtraining and injury. A lack of recovery leaves the body and mind vulnerable, so taking time to recover in the offseason is of the utmost importance.
Cross-training: Athletes are constantly pushing their bodies to get stronger and faster. It’s part of the gig. But the offseason leaves room for a bigger, harder push. It’s OK if their muscles are sore or tired during the offseason and so they can follow a training program that really pushes their bodies to new heights. They’re also able to focus on areas other than their particular sport, which makes them a more well-rounded athlete overall. For athletes in the offseason, cross-training is often the best approach.
Weakness: Every person and every body has weaknesses—even those elite athletes who make us look like couch potatoes. The offseason is the perfect time to hunt down and tackle those pesky weaknesses. Core strength taking a vacation? Time to rein it in. Losing your mental mojo? Time to recharge. Been limping through injuries like a pro? Now’s your chance to actually heal. Got a part of your game that’s lagging? Dive deep and give it some TLC. Weaknesses don’t stand a chance when the offseason rolls around, giving athletes the golden opportunity to get everything sorted and come back stronger.
Mental health: Athletes feel the burden of competition. This can be so intense that many athletes suffer from mental health issues. In fact, it’s estimated that as many as 35 percent of elite athletes suffer from anxiety, depression, or other conditions. Competition is a lot of pressure, but the offseason allows time to focus on the athlete’s mental health concerns to get strong mentally while no one is watching. This might mean taking a physical rest, taking a break from social media, or even attending therapy or counseling to help reset the mind, attitude, and approach.
Athletes continue to train during the offseason with workouts and training plans tailored to achieve peak physical condition at specific times, such as before competitions. These plans also allow for flexibility during the offseason. While some offseason periods focus on rest and recovery, others emphasize high-intensity workouts. The key to a successful offseason is maintaining balance.
Nutrition and lifestyle during the offseason
Elite athletes are constantly monitoring their diets. If they’re in a season that allows a bit more freedom, they may splurge a little. But they’re keenly aware that any weight gain they experience will have to be worked off again, and so most athletes still splurge in moderation. For the most part, an athlete stays focused on diet year-round, even in the offseason, and it will often include a few of the following key elements.
- Balanced Diet - An athlete's diet is going to be balanced to suit their needs. They won’t be on tight restrictions, as their bodies need fuel to perform their sport or activity. Most elite athletes will work with a nutritionist to keep their diets on track.
- Real Foods - Athletes are going to be focused on real foods. Although they may rely on quick, packaged snacks on occasion, they’re going to be much more concerned with eating whole foods -- vegetables, fruit, lean proteins, and the like.
- Water - Hydration is a big deal. Elite athletes need to be properly hydrated all year long, not just during competition season. Although they may drink sports drinks or milk or even protein drinks, their main source of hydration is water.
The offseason also offers a chance to focus on adequate sleep and relaxation. If athletes have experienced sleep issues during the season, this period allows them to reset their sleep patterns.
The offseason mindset of elite athletes
Despite the break from competition, elite athletes continue to take their training seriously. They approach the offseason with a mindset focused on preparation for the next season:
- Focus - Athletes may be able to relax out of competition mode, but they still have to remain focused. Their training will be changing based on their offseason goals, and those goals must stay at the forefront of their minds if they hope to succeed.
- Goal Setting - No matter how the season went, the offseason is a good time to set new goals for the future. The goals may be competition-centered, or it may be about their health in general, or it may even be about life. The key is to set new goals to keep moving forward.
- Mental Strength - The offseason is a good time to practice deep breathing, meditation, and other exercises that help build mental strength. These practices can be perfected in the offseason and carried over into competition, where they may help the athlete stay cool under pressure.
Although the offseason might not be visible to the audience, its significance cannot be overstated. It sets the foundation for future success. By applying the same dedication to your own periods of downtime, focusing on personal development, and addressing weaknesses, you can achieve remarkable results in your own life.
The information, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and other material contained on this page, is for informational purposes only. The purpose of this post is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics, including but not limited to the benefits of chiropractic care, exercise, and nutrition. It is not intended to provide or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your chiropractor, physician, or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this page.