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Why You Really Need Artichokes in Your Diet

By Brandi Swieter

Not something many people consume on a regular basis, artichokes are an unpopular food with a lot of power. More and more people should start adding the flower vegetable to their diets if they want to gain all the benefits an artichoke provides. They’re filled with antioxidants for starters.

Bursting With Antioxidants

The USDA lists artichokes as the seventh-most antioxidant-rich food out of 20 options. With plenty of disease-fighting power, this vegetable can help those who are at risk for developing cancer improve their chances for keeping it at bay. Eating the vegetable particularly improves chances for preventing liver cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer.

Plenty of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is known to help boost the immunity and fight off colds. Rather than drinking upteen cups of orange juice, people can get their fix by eating artichokes. The vegetable contains 15 mg of the vitamin in just a medium size, while a large version contains closer to 19 mg.

Lots of Fiber and Folate

Fiber is required for a healthy digestive system. Plenty of it keeps the system working well so people do not feel too bloated or experience stomach irritation. Folate is also beneficial for the body, keeping iron levels high. Artichokes contain high levels of both components. One medium artichoke provides 8 percent of the body’s daily value of iron and 28 percent of the recommended amount of fiber.

Option for Weight Loss

Eating artichokes will bring many benefits while also aiding in weight loss. Almost all vegetables can be added to the approved food list when dieting, but artichokes in particular have a plethora of vitamins and minerals while also remaining low in calorie. With nearly no fat, artichokes are a great addition to any meal.

Plenty of Potassium

Potassium is found in abundance in artichokes. One medium-sized version of the vegetable contains 474 mg of potassium. This amount equates to 13 percent of the recommended daily value. With Vitamin K also available from artichokes, the vegetable has the potential to improve strength and heal injuries faster.

Adding artichokes to the diet is sure to give people that extra health boost they need. Keep them on the weekly meal plan for added benefits that do the body good. They should be steamed or boiled for the best results.

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Gilbert, Ariz.

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