Choosing the Right Foods for Your Dieting Goals
By Stephen R. Farris
Making any type of change in your life can be tough, both physically, and mentally. Especially when it comes to the area of nutrition, and eating a healthier diet. We all, at some point in our lifetime, vow to drop a few extra pounds or get out and exercise more. Unfortunately, we don't always succeed with either endeavor.
Usually, the failure has to do with the way we set our goals in order to accomplish losing weight or becoming better fit. Sometimes it's because we don't eat the right foods. We hopelessly turn back to the same unhealthy things like sugary drinks and foods high in carbs, and hidden sugars.
If your goal is to lose weight in 2022, then turn your goals toward eating more fresh fruit, raw vegetables, and leaner cuts of meat. Stop buying foods in cans and packages that are highly processed. Here's a few food items that could help you get started towards your healthy eating goals.
Leaner Meats
When it comes to eating healthy, lean towards eating leaner cuts of meats such as poultry, fish, and limited amounts of red meat. Meats provide generous amounts of protein, iron, and in fish, omega-3 fatty acids -- the good fat. However, you should limit the amount of red meat you eat because consuming high quantities (according to research studies) could lead to the development of heart disease, and/or diabetes.
Don't Forget Your Roots
Root vegetables, especially potatoes, seem to have received a bad rap over the past decade. This can be associated with people opting for lower carb diets. However, most root vegetables contain an array of nutrients, including potassium, which can aid in blood pressure management. So, in other words, you should include root vegetables, just in low quantities. Maybe add them as a side dish to your meals a couple of times per week.
Incorporate beans and other legumes into your weight loss diet. Beans and legumes are usually high in protein and fiber. Fiber should be included in your daily diet.
Soups are a great way to get your daily supply of vegetables and all those nutrients and minerals they have. The best soup is homemade, of course, and you definitely should refrain as much as possible from purchasing soups that are canned and the dry versions found in packages. These are usually highly processed.
When it comes to dropping pounds, stick to a diet in which everything is fresh and not canned or packaged.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Mesa, Ariz.