5 Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender has been around for centuries, solving many issues naturally. If you’ve ever been unsure of using lavender essential oils, you will question it no further. These five benefits to using a little bit of lavender in every day aspects of your life will make a huge difference!
1. Calming
Especially if you suffer from anxiety or depression, adding a couple drops of lavender to your water or even just taking it plain can have an extreme calming effect on your body. Although it is not necessary to take the lavender orally, you can also use a diffuser with a couple drops of lavender in it - the aroma itself will create a calming atmosphere.
2. Insomnia
Do you suffer from insomnia? Or maybe you’re able to fall asleep easily, but find yourself waking up multiple times throughout the night? Lavender has been proven to benefit your quality and length of sleep. Some people rub lavender on their temples, behind their ears, under their nose, or even on the bottoms of their feet in order to improve their sleep.
3. Headaches
Lavender actually carries anti-inflammatory and sedative properties which can solve migraine and headache issues. It’s especially beneficial if your headache onset is around nighttime, as it can aid in your sleep as well. Although we all know you can’t control that.
4. Skin Care
Believe it or not, lavender has many healing properties when it comes to skin care. A quick success story for you; a patient suffered from chronic itchy hands and they tried numerous different lotions (thinking it was just dry skin), allergy medicines, etc. It wasn’t until they rubbed lavender on the areas on and around their hands that were constantly itching did they feel relief. It wasn’t gradual relief either, it was instant-incredible! Not only can lavender help your itchy skin, but it can also solve problems such as; eczema, sunburn, acne, and inflammation.
5. Pain Relief
Since lavender carries anti-inflammatory and relaxation properties, it is commonly used to relieve pain in the joints and muscles. If you are experiencing joint pain, rub a couple of drops of lavender oils topically to the area to relieve yourself of that pain.
Lavender is the most versatile essential oil. While these are certainly 5 incredible benefits of using lavender essential oils, these are not the only ones. The list can go on and on!
Used under Creative Commons Licensing courtesy of Yutaka Seki