Kids and Chiropractic: Can It Help a Child?
By Debra Rodzinak
Children can be tough on their young bodies. Falls, injuries, and even problems during delivery can affect a child’s growing spine. However, there are other health complaints that may be attributed to irritations of the nervous system caused by spinal misalignments such as colic, acid reflux, sleep problems, allergic reactions, breastfeeding difficulties, and chronic infections.
Proper Spinal Alignment
Because of many parental concerns with their child’s spinal alignment, many parents have their child’s spine checked by a chiropractor after birth. In addition to a post-birth chiropractic check, injuries received from sports, playground mishaps, sitting in a classroom all day, and heavy book bags are all physical stressors that can affect a child’s spine and nervous system and can lead parents to have their child’s spine checked.
Indicators of Spinal Problems
Many spinal problems are not easily identifiable by parents. Therefore, parents can look for some problems that might indicate spinal problems, including:
- Disrupted sleeping patterns
- Problems breastfeeding
- Neck or head movements that are restricted on one side
- Shoulder alignment
Disorders Linked to Spinal Dysfunction
- Chronic ear infections
- Persistent colds or sore throats
- Reflux
- Colic
- Asthma
- Headaches
- Bedwetting
- Constipation
- Scoliosis
- Growing Pains
Regular chiropractic wellness checkups can help to identify spinal problems that can occur from these stresses. Chiropractic adjustments may also help to enhance future spinal and nervous system function and overall well-being.
Chiropractic Care
For babies and young children, spinal adjustments are a little different than for adults. Light fingertip pressure is used to correct spinal misalignment. Force is no more than a finger touch. The typical popping sound often heard during spinal adjustments are also heard; however, this sound is not heard every single time or with every single child.
There is typically no pain, unless the child has suffered an injury that causes pain. However, once the spinal adjustment has been made, the area can heal more quickly and effectively and pain is often lessened. Many parents have commented that their child actually enjoys the adjustments and can’t wait to go back.
A study conducted by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) showed that out of the 10,000 visits involving children, only a very few experienced minor discomfort. The other children had no adverse reactions to the adjustments.
If your child is experiencing any of the problems listed, come by The Joint for a gentle spinal adjustment. With no pesky insurance forms to fill out or appointment times to remember, The Joint makes getting pain relief from common childhood ailments a breeze.