How to Double-Check Your Mental Health
By Genevieve Cunningham
Staying on top of your mental health can be a chore. We haven’t been trained to pay attention to our mental health. Though that is changing in today’s world, we still have a long way to go. We often miss the signs and cues that our mental health is in trouble. In order to make your mental fitness a priority and stay as healthy as possible, use these tips every day.
Ask Yourself These Questions
Self reflection is important. It keeps you honest with yourself, and it forces you to evaluate your current condition. Asking yourself questions and being honest with the way that you feel is a great way to understand your own personal state of emotional and mental health. At the end of every day, ask yourself these questions and really listen to your own answers.
How Do I Feel About Myself Today?
How Do I Feel About Others?
What Was My Dominant Emotion Today?
What Stress Do I Feel?
Do I Need Help?
Do These Things Daily
While asking yourself these questions will give you some great insight into your own thoughts, it will take action to turn your mental health around. Consistent, positive, and deliberate action is the best way to make a permanent change. To do that on a daily basis, participate in these things every day.
Get Moving - Exercise can change both your physical and mental health for the better.
Meet With Friends - Log off the computer and meet with real friends face to face.
Laugh Out Loud - Laughing has a way of lifting spirits and boosting moods. Watch something funny, read some jokes, but get yourself smiling and laughing.
Get a Hobby - Challenge yourself constantly with an interesting hobby. This not only enhances brain function, but it also engages the mind and your emotions and leaves less time for worry and doubt.
If you make your mental health a priority, it will stay in better condition for longer. You’ll be able to enjoy a healthy and productive life because you focused on what really mattered from the very beginning. Pay attention to the little things and get help when you need it. It’s definitely not a sign of weakness to reach out for help, but rather an incredible display of strength. Your mental health definitely matters, so get on top of yours and feel better than ever for a lifetime of health and happiness.