A Cuddle a Day
By Brandi Goodman
Forget the apple a day -- actually, don't. But add in a cuddle a day as well. Cuddling brings many benefits to the brain and body. Spend time each day cuddling with someone you care about and see how your mental health, especially, can improve.
A Boost to Your Immune System
The stress hormone, cortisol, can impact the immune system. It will weaken it and cause illness to develop easier. Cuddle up and reduce this harmful hormone. It's actually recommended that couples who are sick spend their time cuddling so they can get better faster.
Pain Relief
Oxytocin gets released when you're cuddling. This hormone can offer some pain relief. Relieve tension naturally by snuggling up to someone. It won't completely erase your pain but can help to limit your symptoms.
Anxiety Reduced
Feeling anxious and overwhelmed can be helped with a cuddle. Just as oxytocin can help with pain, it can help with feelings of anxiety as well. It promotes relaxation. It reduces stress. This is why it's so important for mothers to cuddle their infants. Simply holding a baby in your arms and letting them feel you close can ease their nervousness and make them feel safe. Adults get the same experience.
A Break From Stress
The stresses of life can really take a toll on a person's psyche. Take a break from all the stress you're feeling and cuddle with somebody. You'll feel much more relaxed and at ease when you're doing nothing but laying with someone and not having a care in the world. It may be just what you need to get your mind off things and help you to de-stress and be ready again to take on your tasks.
Better Sleep
You might find it difficult to drift off to sleep when you're in bed alone. The smallest noises outside can make you feel afraid, preventing you from getting any rest. When you're cuddled up next to someone at night, however, you're more likely to get better sleep. You're less likely to feel afraid because you know you have someone else next to you who is there if a situation does arise. With your stress reduced and anxiety lessened, you'll be more likely to get the rest your body and mind need.
Cuddling has many benefits. Whether you cuddle up with your significant other, lay next to a friend, or even just snuggle your pet, you can gain the benefits the activity brings. Physical touch from another being may be what you need to boost your mental wellness.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Gold River, Calif.