Avoid Back Pain While Decorating for Next Year's Holidays
While the time to start decorating your homes for the holiday season is over, it's never too early to be thinking about next year. While it is fun to see our homes all decorated, the actual decorating part can be a real pain in the back! Not only is back pain common during this season, but so are injuries. The Centers for Disease Control estimate that about 5,800 injuries occur each year as a direct result of careless holiday decorating – ouch!
Here are some must-follow tips to protect yourself and your back while decorating for the season.
Lift the Right Way
Setting your home up for the perfect holiday look means you will most likely have to haul out several heavy boxes from storage. It is very important to use the right lifting technique so that you don’t injure yourself before you get a single light put up. Remember to keep your abdominal muscles in tight, keep your back straight, and to lift with your legs to prevent back injuries.
Always Use a Ladder
You may be able to reach just a little bit higher to get the decorate look you were going for, but there is a good chance you can overextend your back or neck or twist a muscle out of place. It is just better to use a ladder or stepladder, even when decorating the tree. The ladder will help prevent overextending or stretching muscles in a way they aren’t meant to be stretched. Just be sure your ladder is stable and that someone is holding the base of the ladder so that you don’t add a falling injury to your list.
Wear a Back Brace
If you are going to spend the day lifting, moving boxes, and decorating, a back brace can come in handy. It will help keep your core muscles engaged and also help give more support to your back.
Consider Hiring Someone
If you are prone to back pain and injuries, then why risk it this holiday season. It may be worth it for you to hire someone to set up your lights and decorations for you. Just be sure that the person you hire is safe and will not fall off of your roof on purpose for a little extra holiday cash.
The Joint is here to help you with any holiday back pain. If you do feel a little pain or get an injury from decorating this holiday season, be sure to stop in immediately. You will want your injuries to be adjusted by a chiropractor so that they do not lead to chronic pain later on.