Decreasing Back Pain with Pilates
Pilates is a type of exercise that is commonplace at a wide array of gyms and physical therapy centers. In fact, there are even a large number of chiropractors who are recommending the use of Pilates for chronic back pain.
The reason that Pilates is so effective is due to the fact that it addresses the underlying imbalances of the structure of your body that can lead to back pain. There are a number of factors that can cause back pain including pelvic instability, poor posture, lack of core support and a lack of awareness of your body. Practicing Pilates can help reduce the effects of each of these problems.
Posture Correction
When you practice Pilates you will pay a good bit of attention to how each body part is lined up with others. This is called your body alignment. While you may think that your posture is your body’s alignment, having good posture is actually a dynamic process, which is completely dependent on your body’s ability to align the parts in different situations. When your alignment is off, it places uneven stress on your skeleton, especially your spine. When you practice Pilates with attention to the alignment of your body, it can help improve your posture in a wide array of different situation.
Development of Core Strength
Good posture is not just looking as though your body is aligned. It also requires you to have core strength. This means that all of the muscles in your body’s trunk are flexible, strong and working together in order to stabilize and support your spine. Keep in mind, true core strength is much more than just the big muscles in your trunk. Smaller muscles are also used to help you have superior core strength and excellent posture.
Body Awareness Benefits
No matter if your back pain is caused by an injury or chronic poor posture, it is a message that needs your attention. When you practice Pilates, it is a full attention exercise. There is no way that you can actually do Pilates unless you are extremely aware of your body’s alignment and the energy that is required for movement.
If you suffer from back pain, Pilates will help you increase the awareness of your body and can alleviate the back pain that you experience. It is a fully involved exercise, meaning that not only will your body make the movements, but your mind will be involved with the process as well. When done for extended periods of time, Pilates can strengthen the core and back muscles, making back pain a thing of the past.
Remember to always consult your primary physician before following any medical or health advice.