Simple Ways to Burn More Calories Every Day
By Genevieve Cunningham
With the holidays right around the corner, you may be starting to think about the numerous (delicious!) calories that you’re about to take in. You may be thinking about how to avoid those calories, even with the savory smells drifting past your nose and tempting every fiber of your being. Or maybe you’re perfectly realistic, and you’ve skipped to thinking about how to burn those calories off after the holidays are over. Fortunately, this last step may be easier than you anticipate. Instead of going on the newest fad diet or resorting to a cleanse or any other sort of quick fix, take a look at these really simple ways to burn a few more calories every single day so that you can get your body and health back when the holiday binges are over.
Do a Quick Routine Upon Waking
It’s thought that a quick, metabolism boosting, calorie-burning session first thing in the morning gets your body moving for faster calorie burning for the rest of the day. The good news is that this does not have to be anything terribly strenuous. No miles, no hour-long cardio, no heavy weights. Just get up and do a few jumping jacks. Follow that up with some squats and then some push-ups. A simple 10 or 15 minutes can get your metabolism moving and those calories burning for a healthier day all day.
Lower the Room Temperature
Keeping the rooms in your home just a little cooler can help you to burn a few more calories. Because your body doesn’t particularly like being cold, it burns energy (and calories!) in order to heat your body up. Will you burn thousands of calories? Of course not, but it will require you to constantly burn. The same principle works for drinking cold water. Your body will have to use just a few more calories to bring it up to an acceptable temperature in your body. If you’re looking to burn calories in one of the easiest ways possible, this is definitely a good place to start.
Drag Out Your Chores
OK, so this probably doesn’t sound like much fun, but it will work! When you get home from the grocery store, don’t load your arms so full that you can barely get them inside. Instead, deliberately make more trips. You’ll be forced to walk more, which burns more calories. The same principle works for any household chore. Finished vacuuming? Go over your floors just one more time. Only have a few dishes in the sink? Wash them by hand instead of filling up the dishwasher only halfway. If you really look, there are tons of tiny opportunities throughout the day to burn just a handful of calories. While this may not seem like many, they will definitely add up and lead to a greater caloric expenditure at the day’s end.
You’re going to eat those yummy holiday dishes, and you should! While it’s good to do so in moderation, it’s OK to indulge a little and burn more calories in whatever way you can. Start these simple tasks now, and you’ll already be prepping your body for what’s ahead. Use these tips as a guide, and burn more calories in your everyday life starting today.