7 Ways to Prevent Back Pain
Like many people, it was acute back pain that first sent me to a chiropractor. I’d been living with a sore back for years, thinking it was a normal consequence of my desk job. Then a sudden turn of my head led to excruciating pain that radiated down from my neck to my back, and I was promptly dispatched to my mother-in-law’s chiropractor, who fixed the problem with a single adjustment. According to the American Chiropractic Association, approximately 31 million Americans are experiencing back pain at any given moment, which is a shame because most back pain and injuries are preventable. If you want to learn how to prevent back pain, follow these simple tips:
Pay attention to your posture
This is perhaps the easiest thing you can do for your back, but one of the most powerful. Look for ergonomic furniture for your office and home to help you maintain good posture while sitting or lying down.
Lift with your legs
Instead of bending at the hips to pick something up, bend down with your knees and use your leg muscles to lift.
Maintain a healthy weight
Obese individuals are four times more likely to suffer from back pain than a person who is at a healthy weight (with a BMI of 25 or less.)
Quit smoking
Research from Northwestern University revealed that people who smoke are three times more likely to suffer from chronic back pain than those who never light up. Quitting reduces your risk, and your back - not to mention your lungs - will thank you for it.
Exercise regularly
Build the muscles in your core (your abdomen and back) to ensure they will be strong enough to support your posture while you engage in your favorite activities.
Sleep on a good mattress
Look for a mattress that feels most comfortable for you, and spend as much time lying on it as you can before you buy. The ideal mattress will support the normal curves of your body. If there are gaps between your body and the mattress (at your waist, for example) you’re not getting the full support that you need.
See a chiropractor
Most people only schedule an appointment with a chiropractor after they begin experiencing pain, but seeing a chiropractor regularly is important for preventing back pain. Preventative care can stop you from ever experiencing back pain in the first place - now wouldn’t that be nice?