Loosen Up (Tight Muscles) With Chiropractic!
By Stepy Kamei
We all encounter so much stress in our daily lives, it's no wonder we're constantly telling ourselves (and each other) to loosen up. It may seem like just a simple expression, but have you ever really stopped to think about how it could benefit you to genuinely "loosen up"? What would this entail, anyway, and how exactly would it serve to improve your overall health and well-being? For starters, think about all the times you've been stressed or dealt with any kind of health ailment. You may not have realized it, but your body was probably reacting in such a way that it strained your muscles an unhealthy amount. Keep on reading to learn more about what you can do to loosen up your body -- and how chiropractic can help
How the Body Reacts to Stress and Other Ailments
Take a moment to process how your body naturally reacts to stress, injuries, sickness, etc. Often, we'll clench our teeth and fists, scrunch our shoulders up, hunch our heads down, and generally tighten our muscles in response to the physical or psychological pain and discomfort. As you can imagine, this doesn't do your muscles and joints any favors. In fact, even just one episode of straining and tightening your muscles can be enough to cause a noticeable decline in mobility and flexibility throughout the body. Unfortunately, it's only worse if this becomes a chronic issue for you.
How Chiropractic Can Help
Many people don't realize that doctors of chiropractic can treat this problem in a safe and completely natural manner. When you go in for a visit, the chiropractor will examine your spinal column to see if there are any restrictions that may be contributing to feelings of tightness and rigidness throughout the body. These restrictions, which are also known as misalignments, often lead to decreased flexibility in the surrounding joints and muscles. They can also cause increased inflammation in the area, which only exacerbates these symptoms.
A chiropractor will use manual manipulation techniques in order to safely and effectively remove these restrictions that may be causing your stiffness. Many patients experience feeling "looser" and "lighter" after just one session of chiropractic. Patients who see a chiropractor on a regular basis benefit even further. Therefore, it's in your best interest to make chiropractic care a regular habit as part of your personal healthcare routine.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in San Jose, Calif.