Benefits of Chiropractic Care
By Madhusudhan Tammisetti
Chiropractic care is a natural healing method chosen by those looking for an alternative treatment for acute and chronic disorders. You may visit a chiropractor to ease lower back pain or treat sciatica, headache, and neck pain. The chiropractor doesn't view you as a sum of your parts instead sees you as a whole person. A chiropractor works in partnership with you for your optimal health and wellness.
Chiropractors may diagnose and treat conditions affecting ligaments, joints, and bones. How does this help patients? Patients may get relief from neck pain and back pain. Some may see improved mobility and range of motion after an accident or suffering from an injury.
Chiropractic care may treat acute injuries and symptoms and improve overall health and quality of life.
Here're some of the benefits of chiropractic care.
People suffering from the early stages of arthritis may experience relief without invasive techniques such as injections or surgery. People suffering from back injuries opted for a chiropractor for relief instead of surgery. According to The Spine Journal, after using a chiropractor's services first, only 2 percent of patients opted for surgery. Patients who first approached a surgeon to treat similar symptoms had opted for surgery 43 percent of the time.
Patients don't have to go through surgery right away. The data suggests patients who took the chiropractic treatment regularly were able to delay operations for significant periods.
Invasive treatments, such as surgeries, carry far greater risks than non-invasive chiropractic treatments.
A Drug-Free Alternative
Chiropractic treatment is safe and drug-free alternative care for back pain, neck pain, joint pain, hip, shoulder, and knee pain. For instance, the progression for the condition of arthritis ranges from 0 to 4. At first, if you take the traditional approach, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, and then it quickly spirals down to strong painkillers or anti-inflammatory prescriptions.
Most medications are linked with one or other side effects, and patients need to understand the risk associated with prescriptive drugs.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) carry far greater risk than opting for chiropractic treatments.
Given the side effects of prescriptive drugs, many patients opt for drug-free chiropractic therapy as an alternative treatment for muscle tension and joint pain relief.
Feel Better
Chiropractic care may improve flexibility, muscle strength, mental health, neurological health, and range of motion. It promotes recovery and may improve immune response and mood. It may help improve your body posture.
Chiropractors educate patients about things such as exercise, nutrition, and diet. A chiropractic lifestyle is all about being proactive with health and making lifestyle changes to prevent health conditions before they happen. It gives a choice to live a healthy lifestyle that promotes health and wellness.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in San Jose, Calif.