How to Cope With Work and School Stress
By Genevieve Cunningham
Work stress is an almost constant in most people's lives. It's something that we really can't escape. But when does this stress begin? Is it at our very first job? Or do we begin dealing with stress even before our first taste of employment? For the majority of people, our first taste of real stress happens at school. Work or school -- they bring about the same demanding, necessary, worrisome feelings and sentiment. And of course, we need both in our lives! So what can we do besides suffer through the stress? We can learn to deal with it! If you would like to get your stress under control, take a look at these ways to manage the stress moving forward.
Learn to Stop Procrastinating
Procrastination is one of our biggest reasons to stress. When we get an assignment or project at work or school, we tend to sit on it for a while. Instead of getting it over with, we wait. And the longer we wait, the more the stress builds. Eventually, we have very little time to get it done and our stress is through the roof. Of course, breaking the procrastination habit is really hard. Why? Because it requires pure willpower. But if less stress is the goal, starting with a do it now attitude is a great choice.
Understand Your Situation
It's so important to keep our lives in perspective. Sometimes we stress unnecessarily. Sure, we might feel a little stress or angst about getting things done, but overall, most of us have pretty good lives. Lives that are free from excessive conflict. When your stress is out of control, try to keep the big picture in mind. This work project matters -- but it's not life or death. It's not war. It's not political madness. It's just work. Get it done to the best of your ability. Do your best work, and leave the worrying for things more worthy of your stress.
Get Some Healthy Habits
One of the best ways to deal with stress is to create some healthy habits to help you cope. Try taking nightly walks outside. Try joining a weekly yoga class. Try learning deep breathing techniques. These kinds of habits help us relax and unwind. And if we do them regularly, we can keep our stress levels lower every day. Find some habits that feel good for you, and add them to your daily routines starting now.
You're definitely going to have to deal with your fair share of stress. It's a part of life. It's a part of being productive. But you don't have to allow stress to make you sick or bring you down. Use these tips to manage your stress, and feel better about your life and circumstances today.
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