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3 Ways to Light Your Fitness Fire

By Genevieve Cunningham

Most people hope to feel fire in their lifetime. No, not real fire, but the kind of fire that comes with passion. The kind that comes with working toward a goal and not stopping until you get there. While some of this kind of fiery passion is easy -- maybe you love the guitar or art -- other kinds require work to develop -- like the kind for health and fitness. Bit it's this last kind of passion, the kind for your health, that is truly the most important. But how do you develop a passion for something that requires so much self-discipline and work? While it might take time, it's possible to love working out. If you would like to light a fire for fitness in your life, take a look at these tips to help you do it. 

Find Your Motivation

Everyone has a reason for wanting to begin in the first place. The trick is to find your own motivation and not to rely on anyone else's. You may want to lose some weight. You may want to fit into a certain outfit. You may want to improve your health in order to increase quality of life and longevity. It doesn't matter what motivates you as long as it's something that sparks fire in you! Find your motivation, and the rest will begin to fall into place. 

Spend the Money

For some people, money is everything. If they go ahead and spend the money, then they have to follow through. Makes sense, right? Otherwise, it's a huge waste! If you are motivated by money, go ahead and spend it. Pay for gym memberships or classes. Pay for the outfit and shoes. Pay for the equipment. The more invested you are financially, the more obligated you'll feel to get up and give it a try. 

Find a Guru

It doesn't actually have to be a guru. It just needs to be someone who inspires you. Someone who you want to emulate. It might be a fitness model, a personal trainer, or just a regular Joe who has already accomplished a lot in their own fitness journey. The key is to find someone who really speaks to you on a personal level. Then use them as a guide, a pushing force, a goal. Having someone to follow and look up to in your fitness journey is a huge factor in finding the motivation to get started and keep going when it gets tough.

Some people seem to have a natural fire that keeps them always changing and pushing forward. But for the rest of us? We have to gather all the pieces and spark the fire for ourselves. Use these tips to find your passion, and use that inner force to get in the best health and shape of your whole life.

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in South Gate, Ca.

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