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Why You Need More Time Outdoors

By Genevieve Cunningham

At this time of year, the weather is perfect. It’s not too hot or cold, the breeze is comfortable, and the air feels crisp and clean. This is a great time to get off the couch and get outside. While we all know that spending time outdoors is good for us, very few of us actually get enough. Why? Perhaps it’s because we still don’t truly comprehend just how good fresh air is for our health. If you’re on the fence about your outside time, take a look at these incredible benefits to spending a little more time in the great outdoors.

Your Stress Will Be Less

Those who spend more time outside are known to have significantly lower stress levels on a daily basis. Nature, in all its glory, is calming to the body and mind. We breathe in fresh air, soak in some sun, and our muscles and mind both get the message to relax. If you’re feeling a little stressed, just take a walk outside and see how it calms you. Now do this every day and you’re likely to keep your stress levels lower on a permanent basis.

It Might Improve Your Sleep

Our bodies are incredibly smart. They have a natural rhythm and schedule. When we go outside, it helps to set this natural schedule. The sun tells our eyes and brain that it’s daylight and it’s time to be awake. When we’re indoors, we aren’t getting this natural light from the sun, and therefore our bodies find it more difficult to work off of its natural rhythm. If you’re having trouble sleeping, getting outside for a few hours a day might significantly change your body’s schedule and get you a bit more shut-eye.

You’ll Fight Anxiety and Depression

There is more anxiety and depression in today’s world than ever before, or at least as far as people report it. And wouldn’t you know that we also spend less time outside than ever before? Coincidence? Perhaps, but it’s definitely worth looking at the link. Our brains can only take so much fast-paced, constantly changing entertainment such as TV, internet, or electronic devices. After awhile, this sort of entertainment bombardment can really wreak havoc on our moods, leading to anxiety and sometimes depression. By getting outside, we’re slowing down the pace. We’re giving our brains a chance to rest and recover. And research has shown that this one step can play a crucial role in lowering anxiety and depression levels in people who feel a bit on edge.

If you’re not spending time outdoors, it’s definitely time to start. The benefits that you may feel are beyond worth the effort. With just a little time outside, you may boost your physical, mental, and emotional health, and it may leave you feeling better than ever.

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