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That Spring Cleaning Can Be Back-Breaking

By Tom Herrin

It seems to be that time again.  Every year about this time, a lot of people get a burr in their saddle and decide they need to do some serious cleaning.  The weather is nice outside and there is something about it that seems to stimulate the brain to want to clean everything in sight.  That means furniture, tile, carpet and anything else that has that magnetic ability to attract dust -- and every other kind of particle -- that makes things dirty.  The big problem is that most of the time, this involves moving a lot of things around.  Among those things is furniture.  Too many times, this means injuries, especially back injuries.  When that happens, the next thing you may want to clear is a path to a chiropractor.

The Usual

Most of the time, all the lifting and pulling on heavy things can result in some kind of strain.  People generally don’t want to stop there.  They push a little more.  That strain can quickly progress to a joint dysfunction or restriction  In this case, the muscles that normally support the back have lost some of that ability due the strain.  This means the joint is on its own.  With this injury, pressure is placed on a nerve which, in turn, causes pain.

Maybe No Magic, But Close To It

Chiropractors can do wonders with back injuries.  They have the highest success rate when treating these.  Most of the time, they will perform an adjustment in which they gently manipulate the spine until the injured joint is restored to its natural position.  This relieves the pressure from the nerve and the pain from the body.  It is all natural and feels pretty good.  There are generally no painkillers used.  This means no chance of addiction and no bad side effects.  

Regular Chiropractic Care Can Mean Better Health

After people try going to chiropractors and receiving real relief for that bothersome pain, they usually like it.  Regular visits can keep joints in good condition and working as they should all of the time.  At The Joint Chiropractic, they have plans that can meet all kinds of busy schedules.  They have affordable rates with no insurance needed and no appointments necessary.  They have open hours both days and evenings, weekdays and weekends at all of their more than 370 locations nationwide.  If that spring cleaning breaks down your back, drop in at The Joint Chiropractic today.

To learn more about your health and wellness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic.


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