3 Health Tips to Start the Year Off Right
By Genevieve Cunningham
It's a new year. For many people, this means a new beginning. A chance to start over. A chance to improve. A chance to change for the better. But even if you have these big ideas, very few people really know where to begin. Should you go on a diet? Should you change jobs? Should you move abroad? Most of the time, changing your life isn't necessarily these big changes, but rather small changes repeated over and over again. If you're ready to get your life moving in the direction you desire, take a look at these three health tips that can help you start the year off right.
Get a Workout Plan
Now is a great time to start working out! But here's the thing about a new year workout plan: Most people quit by mid-February. How do you avoid this? You take it slowly. Don't rush into an intense routine. Just start walking or join a gentle yoga class. As you get in better shape, you can add to your routine. But find something to get you moving today, and in a year's time, you'll be in better shape than ever before.
Get a Venting Buddy
Not everyone needs a therapist, but we all need someone who we can vent to. If you don't have a person to let all your worries out with, it's time to find one. This might be a friend, a sibling, or a parent. How do you choose the right person? Choose someone who you can trust and who understands that all you need is to get the worries out of your head. And if all else fails, simply write down your worries to get them out and release that frustration.
Get Control of Your Time
Stop letting everyone else have your time this year. Sure, you have to go to work and perform other responsibilities. But you don't have to do it all. You have the power to say no; it's time to use it! If you're overwhelmed, say so. If you need to take a break, take it. You won't be able to control every second of your time, but use what time you have wisely to get moving toward better health.
This is your year! You can't predict everything that will happen in a year's time, but you can certainly do your part to make it great. Use these tips to get moving in the right direction with your health -- both mentally and physically -- and enjoy the boost in your quality of life that comes along with it.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Westminster, Calif.