3 Ways to End Summer Boredom (in a Healthy Way!)
By Genevieve Cunningham
Summer means something different to everyone. For some, it's travel season. It's a time to pack your suitcase and go on various trips to new locations. For others, it's a time of rest and relaxation. It's when you prop your feet up and enjoy the sun. But there are some things about summer that seem to be common among almost everyone. For many, summer is a time to fight off the boredom. School is out and routines are changed, and boredom trickles in slowly until it's all consuming. This feeling leaves many sitting in front of the TV eating junk food and wasting time -- which isn't the best use of our summer hours! If you want to beat boredom and take care of your health this summer, take a look at these healthy ways to spend your time for the rest of the summer.
Work in Your Yard
Working in the yard helps end boredom now, but it also brings other advantages into your life. First, your yard will look better! This might not seem like much, but when you see your yard with fresh cut, green grass, blooming flowers, and properly landscaped bushes, you're going to be incredibly proud of your hard work. And as a bonus, yard work is tough! It burns calories and builds muscle. It requires a little stamina. Even if you don't want to exercise, getting outside and working in the yard can kill two birds with one stone -- a great workout and a beautiful home.
Play With Your Kids
As adults, playing is hard. We don't like to admit it, but the truth is that playing requires a kind of imagination and energy that we simply don't have anymore. But if you're bored, why not make your kid's day and give them some much needed play time? Go outside and kick the ball. Play ninja or superhero with them. Take them to the park and spend some time on the playground. Your kids will greatly appreciate the company and interaction, and both your brain and your muscles will feel heavily worked by the end.
Go for a Long Walk
Summer is a great time to get outdoors and soak in some sunshine. Sure, it's hot. But if you wear sunscreen, dress appropriately, seek shade, and drink plenty of water, you can enjoy the heat and sun without damage. And walking in nature is a great way to boost both physical and mental well-being. Choose a good spot -- maybe a nature trail or a local park -- and enjoy yourself as you experience the beauty of nature. This is something that you can do anytime the weather is cooperating, and it brings multiple health benefits to your life. Win-win.
Make sure that you're having plenty of downtime and fun this summer. But between those moments, use these activities to ease any lingering boredom and to keep yourself healthy too. When school begins again and the fall winds blow in, you'll be feeling your best and ready to tackle the rest of the year with a bang.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Westminster, Colo.