Standing: Not Always as Easy as It Seems
By Stephen R. Farris
We may not have thought that simple task of standing was a big deal when we were younger. After all, it's a piece of cake. Anybody can do it. But as we grow older, certain medical conditions can put a kink into what was once an easy thing to do.
Sometimes if what pains us gets worse, the first thought to seek relief is to kick back in the easy chair or laying down on the sofa to ease the situation. Getting back up could prove problematic, though, and you may need someone to help you up or rely on a cane or other device to assist returning to a standing position.
There are ways and suggestions available to help keep up an active lifestyle, even when pain tries to interfere.
Trying Different Exercises
One of the most helpful tools is exercise, especially keeping your glutes and leg muscles in shape. Many of these exercises can be performed at home, even while watching television or listening to your favorite music. Leg lifts are good to help strengthen the glutes and several other exercise options are available to work other muscles such as your thighs and quads.
It's Tool Time in Most Cases
It may take a little time for exercise to take effect and you might have to use devices to help assist you in getting up from a chair or sofa, or bed even. Many of these tools, such as couch cranes, vehicle bars, and swivel cushions, are available at large outlet stores, medical stores and online for less than $100. If you have a chair or sofa that sits too close to the floor, another idea would be to place blocks of wood, bricks or furniture risers from the store underneath the feet to add extra height so getting up from a sitting position becomes less stressful.
One Last Suggestion
This suggestion is for cases in which knee and leg pain may be too excruciating to use some of the mentioned devices. It may be time for a lift chair. They utilize automation to help people get back on their feet and usually start at a price of a couple hundred dollars and upwards, depending on the type of chair you get.
The best thing anyone can do is to keep moving. Try simple exercises and visit with your doctor or chiropractor to see if they have any suggestions that can help you maintain a more active, healthier lifestyle.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in West Melbourne, Fla.