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When To Be Concerned About Being Lightheaded

By Stepy Kamei

Virtually everyone has experienced a sense of lightheadedness at some point or another in their lifetime -- but is it really OK to merely shrug it off as a minor incident not worthy of any more attention? Sometimes, yes, but there are certainly other times when you really should take a sense of lightheadedness seriously. Even if you've never had a fainting spell result from these feelings, it's a good idea to know what's normal, what isn't, and most important, what you can do about it. 


Lightheadedness is a relatively common issue which happens to many people. Dehydration is also a very common health concern. If you put these two together, it makes sense why dehydration and a feeling of lightheadedness so often go hand in hand. When the body overheats, the central nervous system experiences a drop in blood pressure, which can lead to a person feeling faint or dizzy. If you've ever felt woozy after standing outside in hot weather for extended periods of time, you may find that drinking plenty of water is key for restoring your sense of balance and avoiding more lightheadedness in the future. 

Hunger/Lack of Nutrition

Not focusing on feeding your body with the nutrients it needs can take a toll on your blood sugar levels and end up leaving you feeling like you may pass out at any minute. Be sure to receive a steady intake of protein, fiber and vitamins and minerals throughout your waking hours to keep your blood sugar levels stable and secure.

Stress and Anxiety

Even your mental state can have an impact on the way you feel physically. A sudden shock or surprise or a stressful experience can all flood the body's central nervous system with adrenaline and cortisol (the stress hormone), which reduces blood pressure suddenly and often creates a feeling of dizziness. You may find that incorporating deep breathing techniques into your busy day can make a big difference in your sense of stability.

Something Worthy of a Visit to the Doctor

If your dizzy spells cannot be explained by any of the above scenarios, you should consider speaking with your primary healthcare provider soon about what could be causing this issue. This is especially important if you feel dizzy often, or if the amount of times you feel lightheaded increases drastically over a short period of time. Be sure to speak with your doctor so you can start feeling better and getting the care you need.

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