Lower Back Strain: Prevention
By Sara Butler
If you have a desk job, then an achy, tired back at the end of the day is likely something you're familiar with. It can be quite uncomfortable but short of quitting your job is there anything that can be done? The answer is yes! In fact, the chiropractors at The Joint Chiropractic have a few things you can try to prevent your back from becoming strained during prolonged sitting and desk work. Here are a few preventative solutions you can easily do during your workday.
Consider Your Chair
An ergonomic chair that supports your back (along with the rest of your body) is a must when you have a desk job. Look for a chair that has proper lower back support, arm support, can swivel, and has an adjustable height so you can keep your feet flat on the floor. It's also a good idea to ensure that you get up at least once per hour to try to reduce the amount of pressure that is placed on parts of your body. A quick break to get up, stretch, and perhaps walk to the water fountain can do your body good.
Move It
Speaking of moving around, did you know that your body has an attention span? It's true! Studies have found that there's about a 50-minute limit on a position, which only adds credence to the fact that getting up at least once per hour can help to keep your muscles and your spine in better condition. Set a reminder on your phone or computer to help you take even a short break.
If you can fit it into your schedule, then it's a good idea to exercise each day and if you can do it in the middle of the day, then it'll work wonders for the health of your spine. Try to work in a walk during lunch or keep some small weights at your desk and do a few reps during your lunch break. Even a few yoga poses if you have the room in your office can do the trick and help you to feel better over the course of the day.
Make Sure You Have Empty Pockets
Never sit down for extended periods with full pockets. You should remove keys, wallets, and even money clips from your pockets as you settle in at your desk. Not doing so can irritate your pelvis, sciatic nerve, and spine and cause pain and discomfort down the road.
If you have questions about preventing back strain, then the chiropractors at The Joint Chiropractic are great resources!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Marietta, Ga.