5 Ways to Boost That Workout Motivation
By Genevieve Cunningham
Working out is an important part of any healthy lifestyle. It keeps us at a proper weight, boosts energy, strengthens muscles, and brings a whole host of benefits to our bodies. While we know of these amazing benefits, it’s a tough habit to keep. The motivation to exercise tends to wax and wane, and beating low motivation is especially tough. To get your head back in the game, check out these five ways to boost your workout motivation and get back on track.
Get a New Playlist
Music is so powerful, especially when it comes to working out. If you’ve lost motivation, it might be time to update your playlist. Look for music that you find upbeat, happy, and motivating, and get yourself a new list for a new workout.
Find a New Venue
Sometimes a change of scenery is all it takes. If you usually workout outdoors, take it inside to a gym or similar locale. If you’re a gym rat, take it outdoors for a few days. The change in scenery might be just enough to spark a little interest in your brain and get your body moving again.
Get Some Friends
Friends help to push you through hard times, challenge you, and they can also make it less boring. Get or make some new workout friends to help you stay in shape. Just make sure that these friends do more exercising than gossiping, and push them to be their best just as they push you.
Pick Up a Workout Challenge
Workout challenges usually consist of a certain workout (or type of workout) and a very particular time frame. The specific parameters of this type of exercise can give us just the push we need to get back on top of our fitness. Sometimes, they also come with a group of fellow challengers, which can help you stay accountable and motivated.
Set a Goal (and Reward)
So maybe your goal is to lose 30 pounds. That’s great! But maybe it’ll help you get going if you set yourself up with smaller goals. Shoot for five pounds, and then get a reward (non food-related) when you’ve met that small goal. And then set a big reward for when you’ve finally reached the 30 pounds. Small goals and small rewards help you see your own success and might keep you moving forward.
Motivation is key when it comes to exercise. The more motivated you are, the more likely you’ll be to stay at it when the going gets tough. To get you back up and at 'em, use these tips to bring your motivation back and feel better than ever in your fitness routine.